Sunday, June 5, 2022

SOCIALISM AND THE TEN VIRGINS: A Devotional by Lorilyn Roberts



“An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had failed an entire class.

That class had insisted that Obama’s socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich; a great equalizer.

The professor then said, ’Okay. We will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade, so no one would fail, and no one would receive an A.”

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.

As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride, too, so they studied little.

The second test average was a D!

No one was happy.

When the third test rolled around, the average was an F.

The scores never increased as bickering, blame, and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings, and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them, “Socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

It cannot be any simpler than that.”


The above story, quoted from several sources on the Internet, may be spurious but it’s an interesting analogy of the mechanics of socialism. None of us are so Godly and self-sacrificing that we are willing to work our behinds off for the welfare of the State without regard to our own personal sacrifice and what the cost is to ourselves. 

Socialism takes away the hard-work ethic that Americans historically have been known for and equalizes available resources for,  “the good of all.”

Socialism runs counter to my Christian beliefs because my freedom and ability to choose have been taken from me and what’s “good for all” has been forced on me by a godless government. The government is not wise enough to make the choice about what is best for me or my family, and when they rob me to give what is rightfully mine to someone else, most of the surplus ends up in the pockets of those who least deserve it.

In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, found in Matthew 25:1-13, the five young women who brought extra containers of oil for their lamps were not “forced” to share with those who didn’t. Why? Because there would not have been enough “capital” or oil available to take care of everyone who came to meet the bridegroom.

The five virgins without sufficient oil were not disabled—they could talk, walk, think, and reason, and it is implied by the context they could take care of themselves. Jesus called them “unwise.” The wise virgins instructed them to “go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.”  

Implicit in the story is a free market economy where there are resources available to be bought, showing that the foolish virgins could have bought some earlier but didn’t.

The foolish maidens preferred to depend on handouts from the wise who had planned ahead, much like many today are looking for the government to take care of them in the form of bailouts for fiscal mismanagement; free money for cars, houses, and education; entitlements for government welfare; funding social issues like abortion, and now free health insurance that could bankrupt our country.

Jesus admonished us to help the poor, saying they would always be with us, the thought being, that no matter what a nation does to equalize wealth, it goes counter to God’s natural law. 

Everyone is not guaranteed the ability to own a home, have health insurance, or whatever else our government decides should be funded by those who have more. The government will end up robbing its citizens to pay for what is not affordable. 

Socialism is not sustainable because fewer and fewer will be able to survive economically at a high enough level to provide for those who are unwilling. Many will be duped into thinking they can’t survive to validate our government’s desire for ultimate control. The whole system will collapse under its own waste of misallocated resources and broken dreams.

Too many of our young people have been hoodwinked into believing they are entitled to “more.” Someone insisted in response to my arguments on Facebook, “the government is going to take care of me.”  

Good luck with that thought. The problem is somebody has to pay. In the end, we all pay because we all suffer when the truly poor suffer, and there will be more who are truly poor.  

When limited resources are squandered by propping up those who deserve to fail and the available capital is used by the government to equalize all there is, everyone suffers. We see this now and will see more of it because we are now using capital that doesn’t exist.

The future earnings of our children, borrowed money from other countries, fiat money created by our government, our Social Security, and probably, eventually, our retirement accounts, will be used to fund our fiscal irresponsibility. There will be a continued shrinking of the private sector as the government takes over more and more of the economy. A day of reckoning is coming. God’s law is a natural law. Those who have been deceived will receive their just reward.

As in the parable of the Ten Virgins, the wise virgins had enough oil, and those who were foolish didn’t. Those who seek the truth will be prepared. 

God said in the end times He would send a strong delusion. I see a lack of discernment everywhere; sadly, most of all in our young people. Too many of them have bought into the lies fed to them by the educational system and powerful bureaucrats in Washington. I blame both the Democrats and Republicans. In many ways, I hardly even see a difference between them except when it comes to the issue of abortion. 

I wonder if they do not know our history or if it’s just easier to believe the delusion rather than to seek the truth. Even Pontius Pilate, who represented the powerful Roman government, asked “What is Truth?” as the Author of Truth, Jesus Christ, stood before him. The question is, do you know?

I implore you to seek the truth while it can still be found. Who knows when the last bastion of freedom of information will be taken from us.  

In China, much of their news is filtered by the government. The Google search engines remove “propaganda” the government doesn’t want the masses to know.  

In Russia, South Korea, and Vietnam, Christians are imprisoned and martyred for speaking the truth; and now in Europe, Islam is the fastest-growing ethnic minority and Sharia law is becoming the norm. Muslims make it no secret what their agenda is by their attacks on our country, our faith, and our way of life. 

Now the CCP is making inroads and will do just about anything to jeopardize our sovereignty. The WHO wants all the countries in the world to cede authority to them. It‘s not about freedom. It‘s about power. How long are we going to be in denial of the truth for the sake of political correctness?

While the government back in 2008 might have thought Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, AIG, and others were “too big to fail,” perhaps today nobody realizes a free United States in 2022 is not too big to fail. It is not even in question. Oil and food are already in short supply. 

Don’t blink or you might miss the bridegroom. He is coming soon. Anoint yourself with Holy Spirit Oil and ready yourself with the gifts He's given you. Spread the Good News in the midst of all the bad. And pray for wisdom. Remember, God is with us if we have His oil.


Saturday, June 4, 2022



This blog post was originally published in 2010. Sometimes looking back on what we’ve been through and arriving on the other side is a reminder that God was and is always with us. The complete story of my daughter’s illness can be read in my memoir Children of Dreams


My family just finished one of the most exciting and unique (but stressful) events we’ve shared as a family. A few weeks ago we were contacted by the producers of “Monsters Inside Me” on Animal Planet to film Manisha’s story. 

One of the producers found my article, “Monster Inside My Daughter,” where I wrote about Manisha’s parasitic infection. The producer contacted me through my website. We went back and forth for a while, and then Animal Planet emailed that they wanted to try to squeeze in Manisha’s story to finish out this season’s shooting. We had one week to make it happen. I didn’t believe it would be possible considering how many people were involved and the logistics of doctors’ schedules, et cetera.

But I started contacting everyone—Manisha’s doctors, Shands, and a family in Nepal who have a little girl the same age as Manisha was when she got sick. Animal Planet wanted a little Nepali girl to do some reenactments. Through whirlwind emails, we got it approved by the Shands’ legal and public relations departments. Dr. Carney set aside all day Friday to be involved, and the family with the Nepali daughter drove in from Tallahassee and stayed both days to do the reenactments. Animal Planet is planning to film Dr. Hostetter at Yale next week.

I have a new appreciation for how difficult it is to produce shows—

making sure the lighting is right, the sound is perfect, what to film, what not to film, reshooting scenes several times from different angles to see what works the best, dealing with outside noise like barking dogs, helicopters, and my stomach that wouldn’t quit growling (I hope they make sure that doesn’t hit the airwaves all over the world).

Four people came down from New York and a freelancer that drove over from Jacksonville. They were young, talented, and processed great people skills. Their backgrounds were interesting—not what you would expect. One lady had a degree in anthropology and culinary arts, another lady had a degree in biomechanical engineering, and a third one, a young man, had a degree in comparative literature. The fourth guy was “a jack of all trades.”

Joy called the whole event a “breathtaking experience.” She was very excited to have them conduct Manisha’s interview in her bedroom (it was her contribution to the show).

Manisha felt satisfied that by being interviewed, she could help someone else and raise awareness about neurocysticercosis. It felt surreal to relive some of what Manisha and I went through--the emergency room, seeing the MRI machine again, and reenacting many scenes. It was a little more fun this time, although it was more stressful than I thought it would be.

The public relations director at Shands said it was very rare to give this much access to a filming crew (we were all over the hospital), but Manisha’s case was so unusual that they wanted the public to hear the story for its educational value.

There were many reenactments at the house as well as at the hospital, interviews of Manisha and me, as well as “portrait” shots that took about five minutes. As a homeschooling mom, it was a fascinating learning experience.