Showing posts with label Lorilyn Roberts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lorilyn Roberts. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2020

BOOK EXCERPT: “Tails and Purrs for the Heart and Soul,” by Lorilyn Roberts

Book Excerpt

On my way to work one morning, a long line of cars was backed up on Greene Street. Brown Court Reporting, Inc., was several blocks farther. Bored, people had turned off their engines and were waiting.

I exited my car and walked up the street. “What’s going on?” I asked some people hanging around.

A man said casually, “Apparently, a dog got hit by a car.”

My heart welled up as I wondered how badly the dog was hurt, who he belonged to, and if he would be okay, but the man didn’t know anything more.

I waited a few more minutes. When it didn’t look as though things would clear out anytime soon, I turned around and went a different way to work.

Throughout the morning, however, I thought about the little dog hit by a car. I wanted to know more. I left the office and started checking with some of the businesses on Greene Street. Did anybody know what happened? “Somebody transported the dog to a local veterinarian,” someone said. I scoured around. I found the vet and called to inquire.

“No,” the lady said on the other end. “We haven’t located the owner, but she needs immediate medical attention. Her leg is severely injured and requires amputation.”

“How much is that?” I asked.

“About $200,” the woman replied.

That was a lot of money back in those days, but now that I had involved myself this much, how could I not help?

I told her. “I’ll pay the $200 if she’ll live.”

“Are you sure?” she asked. “It’s not your dog.”

I was sure. My only worry was how I would explain everything to my ex-husband. He wouldn’t want another dog. I wasn’t even sure if she and Shelley would get along. Shelley had never had to share us.

“When can I come by and meet her?” I asked.

“Why don’t you wait till later this afternoon after the surgery.”

I spent the rest of the day concocting a story to tell my ex-husband—that I had rescued a dog from certain death, the dog was an amputee, and I’d paid $200 for surgery on a dog I’d never seen.

Finally, the veterinarian’s office called and said the surgery was successful. I could come to see her, but they wanted her to remain overnight until she was well enough for me to take her home.

“Have you heard from anybody claiming to be her owner?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “We don’t know who she belongs to.”

Later that afternoon, I dropped by the animal hospital. They were glad to meet me. I gave them the check for $200 and thanked them.

“Do you want to see her?” the tech asked. “She’s in recovery.”

“That would be great,” I said.

They took me to an adjoining room, and I poked my head in the door. In front of me was a scrawny-looking, tan-and-white Terrier. She had large, floppy ears, and strands of hair covered her closed eyelids. Fifi aptly described her—a hurt, orphaned dog in need of a forever home. She lay curled up in a little ball with one huge bandage where her right hind leg used to be.

I left the vet’s office with mixed emotions. I was glad I saved her life and could give her a home, but how would I explain it to my ex-husband?

“You did what?” he asked when I was halfway through my prepared speech.

I justified everything, saying we would find a home for Fifi, and I didn’t plan on keeping her. Of course, he knew me better than that. By the time we went to bed that night, he had given a half-hearted yes to the new addition to the family, provided Fifi and Shelley got along. I was more than willing to make sure of that.

Two days passed. We brought Fifi home and slowly introduced her to Shelley. At night, we crated her. Fifi was still wearing a wrap where her leg used to be and still getting used to having only three legs. After a few days, we settled into a routine. I was encouraged that things were working out. Even my ex-husband quit complaining about the extra work.

A couple of nights later, the veterinarian’s office called me. “We wanted to ask you a personal question.”

I wasn’t sure where this was going. “Sure.”

“We wanted to know how things were working out with Fifi.”

“They are working out fine,” I said. “Fifi is getting along well with Shelley. Why do you ask?

Did you find the owner?” I didn’t want to know.

“Oh, no,” she said. “It’s just that we had a client in today with his sick dog that passed away. We couldn’t do anything for him. In a strange coincidence, Fifi looked like his dog. The old man is heartbroken,” she went on, “and we thought if things hadn’t worked out, maybe you would be willing to let him adopt Fifi.”

“We could meet and see what happens.” After I hung up the phone, I wondered if she had told the man that Fifi only had three legs. Not everybody would want a three-legged animal.

He called me the next day, and I promised to come home early to meet him. By this time, I wasn’t sure I could let Fifi go. She had become a part of our family.

I arrived home, and a short while later, a car pulled up in the driveway. I walked outside to greet the man. As he exited the car, I noticed something odd that caused me to do a double-take. He had a cane. He put the walking stick out to steady himself and then dragged his bad leg behind him. The man was disabled.

Then I realized, I was only the keeper of Fifi until her new master picked her up—someone who could understand what it was like to have three legs. As the older man and Fifi left, God reassured me that her new home would be perfect. I learned later the vet donated the $200 I paid to help another dog in the future.

After four years of living in the Augusta hellhole that golfers think is heaven, I wanted to get on with life. That day couldn’t come soon enough, and we moved to Gainesville, Florida. It didn’t take twenty-four hours for me to think I’d died and gone to heaven. Of course, after four years in Augusta, any place would have seemed like heaven.


Tails and Purrs for the Heart and Soul is available now on Amazon 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

NEW BOOK RELEASE: “Tails and Purrs for the Heart and Soul,” by Lorilyn Roberts

Get ready for heroic acts of devotion, devilish entertainment, unexplainable coincidences, and bold inspiration. From a special four-legged childhood friend to the newest Humane Society adoption during the coronavirus lockdown, Lorilyn reveals the deep and profound bond between animals and her family. As in her award-winning memoir, Children of Dreams, Lorilyn unearths spiritual truths and biblical insights to answer the question many have asked, “Will we see our furry friends in heaven?”

“I resonated deeply with many of these stories—tears flowing freely. There's nothing like the comfort of a warm fuzzy kitten or a loyal, loving dog when you are feeling down, alone, or devastated.”
~Carol A. Brown, author of Christian adult nonfiction and children’s animal

“Sure to be a hit with the ‘I love animals’ crowd.”
~Michael J. Webb, author of cutting-edge Christian fiction and inspiring nonfiction

 in the banner

To order from Amazon click here or on the banner

Friday, September 25, 2020


As I wrote in my book, Seventh Dimension – The Howling, “He who controls the past determines the future. We [antiChrist speaking] must control all truth, and then rewrite history to where the earth-dwellers believe my version of what happened.”


"If scholars rewrite American history and portray Critical Race Theory as the reason for America’s success, American history will be altered in one generation. Racism will be the dominant theme, dividing our country into whites versus blacks. To think that a false narrative would serve as the basis for diminishing the greatness of what God has done for America, through the toil, sweat, and bravery of our men and women for the last 250 years, is an abomination to any thinking, reflective American." ~ Lorilyn Roberts

Multi-Award Winning Book

Excerpt from Seventh Dimension – The Howling: A Young Adult Fantasy, Book 6 in the Seventh Dimension Series 

“I [Daniel] didn’t say anything but glanced at the ceiling that bore a likeness to the Sistine Chapel. Colorful, hand-painted scenes from the creation story rivaled it in intensity, except this display was disturbing. The garden scene showed Adan reaching out to touch the hand of the serpent—if you could call it a hand.

“The prince’s voice was smooth like silk. ‘It’s a spectacular painting, isn’t it? I brought in the finest artists from Italy. I think scenes from history when correctly interpreted add a lot, don’t you?’”

“I remained equivocal. Who was Prince Adonikam? I wished I could be sure, but as he stood in front of me, I could read his mind. If he were supernatural, I wouldn’t be able to. I always thought the Antichrist would not be human—perhaps a Nephilim, perhaps Satan himself, but it was hard to comprehend the Antichrist would be fully human.

“A golden tree covered the front of his white thobe, matching the gold in his outer robe, and a wide, red-belted sash accented his waistline. I also noticed the gold bracelet on his right wrist. His hair was rather long underneath the keffiyeh. He was clean-shaven with olive tone skin. His most disturbing feature was his eyes—deep, penetrating, and reptilian. Everything about him seemed…perfect, a specimen of enviable looks, intelligence, and persona.

“He moved sleekly across the floor to his throne, made himself comfortable, and took a sip from his glass. After setting down his drink, his eyes drifted. A beautiful sunset hypnotized him. His words broke the silence. ‘I didn’t have to accept this position, but the enlightened one asked me to be the leader of the New World Order.’”

“He lifted his drink and gulped the rest of it down. Crossing his legs, he asked me again, ‘Do you know who I am?’

“Was he testing me? I shook my head. ‘No.’

“His eyes focused on the red waters. ‘I have brought peace to most of the world—Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and many smaller countries. A few have sunk into chaos. They aren’t worth remembering. However, we’re on the precipice of our biggest accomplishment. The time has come to invade Israel.’ His eyes bore into mine. ‘As a Jew, what do you have to say about that?’

“‘God will prevail.’

“His eyes narrowed. ‘The ships of Chittim won’t succeed this time. The United States and its allies are weaker, and my strength is growing.’

“‘What about the United States?’

“‘Since the purge, their place on the world stage has—how should I say it—diminished. After Hillary Clinton won the election…’ he shrugged. ‘The U.S. still hasn’t recovered from the EMP attack.’

“My ears perked up. ‘Trump won the election, not Hillary.’

“He replied flippantly. ‘I changed history. Do your research. Everyone knows Hillary Clinton won, not Trump, just like the United States lost the War of Independence from England.’

“‘You can’t rewrite history.’

‘The lines of his mouth twisted unnaturally. ‘He who controls the past determines the future. We must control all truth, and then rewrite history to where the earth-dwellers believe my version of what happened.’

“I sat numb, not sure how to respond. Then I replied, ‘So the United States was never a free country?’

“Prince Adonikam laughed. ‘England gave the United States their freedom. They didn’t win it. That was simple. No big deal, the Mandela effect on steroids. I control the truth, the World-Wide Web, and update it to where people believe what they’re told.’

“‘Why are you telling me this?’

“His reptilian eyes narrowed even more. ‘Because you have something I want.’”


Recently a good friend of mine asked me to do some editing of five pamphlets he wrote on Black Lives Matter and race relations. I spent a couple of hours going through and marking them up—basically “rewriting” them because I disagreed with his premise. If you start with a false assumption, you come to incorrect conclusions.

In my church, I’ve had some different thoughts about race relations. I sent a YouTube video to my pastors and asked them to watch it.  I have embedded it into this blog post and hope you will watch “Critical Race Theory and Its Attack on Christianity (Prophecy Update),” presented by Pastor Brandon Holthaus with Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield, California,

One of my church pastors replied. He said that while he had no patience for Critical Race Theory, he felt like Pastor Holthaus allowed no room for nuance in his presentation. Therefore, if followed through, he would end up labeling him a “useless idiot.”

The assault on our country from demonic forces is happening on every front: Our history, our culture, our freedom, our political system, our educational system, and our churches. The most disturbing aspect in all of this is that many leaders and people are uninformed or deceived.

Critical Race Theory states that Western civilization is a racist culture where white people have become powerful at the expense of people of color. The 1619 Project has been introduced into schools to indoctrinate our young people into this “invented philosophy” from The 1980s. The postmodern philosophy has Marxism underpinnings with the intent of dividing people into white oppressors and non-white victims.

Several months ago, I approached my pastor about the notion of “victimhood” when he stood up in front of the church and made a proclamation that he was sorry for his white privilege and his history of racial injustice. He encouraged us to join him in prayer over our inherited privilege and whatever social injustices we had committed concerning people of color. 

I felt uncomfortable as I sat in the church pew listening to his prayer. I believed it needlessly drew attention to a supposed systemic division among white people and African-Americans. I don’t think—and I know some will disagree—that systemic racism exists in America in 2020.

Galatians 3:28 (NKJV) says: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

I think it’s unhealthy and dangerous to force people to view everything through the lens of skin color—particularly the church. The idea that Western civilization became powerful at the expense of blacks, and therefore, we live in a racist culture is not valid. Historically, the church did more to help the slaves than any other people group at that time. William Wilberforce from England, for example, spent a significant portion of his life trying to end the slave trade.

I had no concept of Critical Race Theory when I spoke to my pastor about his confession of racism to the church and the corporate prayer that followed. I had never even heard of it, but deep in my heart, the whole exercise bothered me. It seemed contrived. While I agree there is individual racism in this country, to equate that to a systemic issue is very condemning and, in opinion, demonic. 

How do you convince white people in America that they are racist?

First, you reach the youth through indoctrination. You rewrite Western civilization’s history books to reflect a systemic record of whites oppressing non-whites. Labeled the 1619 Project, schools have introduced textbooks that proclaim the first slaves arrived in America in 1619. Therefore, our country began on the backs of African slaves, without which America would not have risen to its dominance as a world power. Second, you infiltrate the churches with a dogma that we need to apologize for our white supremacy over African-Americans dating back to our nation’s beginnings.

More to this ideology exists, but I want to focus on these two components of Critical Race Theory, a 1980s made-up philosophy coming out of liberal universities.

As I wrote in my book, Seventh Dimension – The Howling, “He who controls the past determines the future. We must control all truth, and then rewrite history to where the earth-dwellers believe my version of what happened.”

If scholars rewrite American history and portray Critical Race Theory as the reason for America’s success, American history will be altered in one generation. Racism will be the dominant theme, dividing our country into whites versus blacks. To think that a false narrative would serve as the basis for diminishing the greatness of what God has done for America, through the toil, sweat, and bravery of our men and women for the last 250 years, is an abomination to any thinking, reflective American.

I lamented my concerns in a recent exchange with a friend. Why is it before President Obama’s eight years in office, there were very few issues with social injustice? I grew up in Atlanta during the Civil Rights Movement, and racial relations were a centerpiece of righting injustices spearheaded by gifted leaders who used the Bible as their framework. However, if one goes to the BLM website, you will see that the Black Lives Matter agenda has nothing to do with what Martin Luther King preached or advocated.

Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory is part of a Marxist movement to cause division in our country. We know the riots and protests are being paid for and funded by globalist elitists (like George Soros) and linked to Antifa (a terrorist organization). Their goal is to seize America, take away our identity as a sovereign nation, and coerce us into a global mindset. If the globalists have their way, they will destroy our Judeo-Christian foundation, ripping the Bible to shreds.

Why is this of such concern to me? This distorted version of history and focus on the racial divide has gone beyond the educational system to an elevated role in society, sports, entertainment, and even seeped into the churches. My church has bought into the current social justice movement, and unfortunately, my church is not the only one. The pervasiveness of churches across America looking at this as the Gospel Truth is startling.

When put it into the context of an election season where so much is at stake, I also found this comment at the end of a sermon unsettling: “Please go vote but just understand that the Kingdom doesn’t move forward in the ballot box. The Kingdom moves forward when the followers of Jesus follow his example and pick up the basin and the towel…” referencing when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples in the Upper Room the night of his betrayal by Judas.

How could God’s Kingdom on earth not move forward in the ballot box? The ballot box will determine the future course of our country—what happens as far as Supreme Court Justices, our policies concerning Israel, our presence or absence in the Middle East, our freedom to worship regardless of our religious affiliation, the abortion monstrosity (the deaths of 61 million babies), capitalism versus socialism, globalism versus nationalism, and issues of morality that are at the core of our Judeo-Christian heritage. The Bible has already been thrown out of schools and courthouses. These issues and many more are determined by how people vote and who they elect to lead our country.

The liberal-leaning Democrats have already shut down churches in states that they control, like California and Hawaii. They want to suppress our right of free speech and the right to worship. To denigrate voting and say that how we vote does not move the Kingdom forward is troubling. As Christians, we have a voice in a democratic process foundational to our country’s greatness.

The Democrats have made race relations a central issue in this election. The left-wing socialists/communists want to destroy our country’s framework to give them more power. I doubt many Democrats know what is happening behind the scenes.

As long as blacks believe what the Democrats tell them, that they are victims of systemic social injustice, they will never believe in themselves or in God’s provision to help them become great individuals. Nowhere in the world does anyone have as much opportunity as in America to overcome hardship and adversity. It’s called the Protestant Work Ethic, and it’s rooted in the Bible. Also, nowhere else in the world do people of all ethnicities have as much freedom to pursue their dreams as they do in America. That’s why everybody wants to come here—in pursuit of freedom, liberty, and justice.

As I said, I broached the subject of victimhood with my pastors concerning race issues because they have “bought into” systemic racial injustice. I even used as an example my two daughters who are from Third World countries. I raised them in a single-family household without a father. I made it clear to my daughters when they were still young that while they had much to overcome, including not having an earthly father, God had a great future and plan for them. However, if they wanted to succeed, they had to get beyond seeing themselves as victims and trust God. Only through God’s grace would they be able to become the person “in Christ” God created them to be.

My daughter level 8 gymnast

In the same way, if Democrats can keep the blacks falsely believing they are powerless victims, the Democrats can control them, and that’s what the liberal Democrats want—power.

However, it’s even more than that. Driven by a Marxist agenda, the liberals are a small but influential group who want to destroy our Constitution and take away our freedoms. They are so good at what they do that their convincing arguments are hoodwinking even some conservatives.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 states: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

Revelation 3:20 (NKJV) says:  “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

That means someone or something has padlocked the church—either earthly powers or people’s hearts. This verse shows a spectacular, almost incomprehensible removal of true Christianity from the world in the future.

Socialism is a genuine possibility in this election, and the sad thing is socialism does not allow for upward mobility. Most people don’t realize it creates more greed and envy than capitalism. The truth is capitalism, tempered with Christianity is the best form of government until Jesus reigns from Jerusalem. If the left has their way, we may not even have Christian churches to attend. They may be padlocked as highlighted in the Revelation verse above, or be permanently locked down as thousands of churches were during the worst of the coronavirus pandemic.

As I said, I didn’t know for a few months that my gut reaction to what is happening in America had a philosophical definition. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, “Don’t believe this lie. It is a deception designed to cause condemnation of Christians and mislead them into believing a false doctrine.”

I encourage readers to watch the video until it’s removed, and I guarantee, YouTube will take it down. I’ve had many videos I’ve posted through the years from YouTube removed because of censorship. Christians and conservatives are being censored all over the web, including me.

Lastly, I want to make one final point. We all have favorite pastors we look up to and admire. One of mine is Max Lucado. I have more books on my bookshelf by this author than any others. I’ve given away most of my hard-back print books and now buy and store my books on Kindle, but I’ve kept his print books on my bookshelf because I love his writings. When I read some recent blog posts by him, I was disappointed.

And this is where I want to end—by focusing on the upcoming election. While President Trump may not meet Max Lucado’s definition of good husband material, i.e., endued with the social etiquette you would want in your daughter’s future husband, I’m glad we don’t have a Mr. Rogers in the Whitehouse. 

While Lucado and other Christian leaders are quick to point out Trump’s failures and shortcomings as Christian apologists, I prefer to look at Trump’s accomplishments in his four years in office. What other human being could have accomplished all that he has done for America, for the unborn child, for religious freedom, for Black colleges, for Israel, and for stopping the erosion of our Biblical principles in public schools, in the workforce, on college campuses, and elsewhere?

I could list dozens of examples. If you want to read them, please go to Amazon by clicking on this link and purchase Trump’s Pro-Christian Accomplishments by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti. I helped with the research, and every claim is footnoted for those who doubt the veracity of Trump’s accomplishments. 

For God to bless America, the truth is, the Kingdom does move forward in the ballot box. How Christians vote in this election will be critical. Will we continue to be a democracy, or are we going to allow the Marxists to have their way and embrace socialism? Are we going to overturn Roe v. Wade by giving Trump four more years to appoint pro-life Supreme Court Justices? We already have an opening as I write this.

The truth is, we need two things: We need to repent as a nation—not for our racism but our hardened hearts, and that is different for each person. While we have systemic sin, we don’t all commit wrongs in the same way. 

I believe the coronavirus pandemic is a setup to see how far the government can go to suppress our rights as Americans and our “soul freedom” found in Jesus Christ. As long as Trump is in the Whitehouse, we will be the freest country on earth. Trump is not a globalist, and he will do everything in his power to protect the American way of life.

Trump stands in the way of those who hate God, who are power-hungry, socialist-driven gluttons, and who want to “use” the uninformed and unaware to fulfill their ultimate goal of a one-world government. That future government, predicted in the Bible, will be led by a man who comes out of nowhere—referred to as the lawless one in the Bible—and he will ultimately become the Antichrist. 

Four more years of Trump will help us reach more people for Jesus Christ because Trump strongly believes in religious freedom and has proven it by what he’s already accomplished.

In my Seventh Dimension Series, I embedded in the background God’s redemptive love from the Cross to the middle of the coming Tribulation. In Trump’s Pro-Christian Accomplishments, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti highlights Trump’s prophetic role as God’s latter-day King Cyrus who helped the Jews to return to Israel and rebuild their temple. Both books are linked here and below. Please check them out.

Secondly, I urge Christians to vote for Trump. Why would any Christian vote for a platform (Democratic) that promotes the killing of the unborn child? There is power in that innocent blood, and the occultists are using that power to embolden the Marxist uprising that seeks to destroy our nation (Constitution), its foundation (statues and buildings), and assembly (Christian worship). Unfortunately, I believe many Democrats would make a pact with the devil if it meant getting Trump out of office.

Click to Tweet:  "We are on the threshold of a complete world reset. God needs Christians to stand in the gap, call evil what it is—evil, and declare war on the demonic forces attacking our nation." 

We need a Christian revival, and I believe the most qualified Americans to lead it are the African Americans and their spirit-filled churches. Please, don’t be deceived. Anyone who wants to divide our great nation through violence and racial tension is promoting an anti-American agenda. Through our Democratic process, God has given voters the power to elect a pro-Christian, pro-American president. Donald Trump is God’s man.

  Purchase Trump's Pro-Christian Accomplishments from Amazon, click here.



Thursday, June 25, 2020


The round clock at the front of the classroom struck 9:00 a.m. Sunlight streamed through the whitewash blinds and fell on my wooden desk. I clasped the newly sharpened pencil. Did I dare look to the back of the room?

I bit my lip as I studied the kids around me. The girls wore brand-new dresses, and the boys were in their Sunday best. Boys didn’t care how they looked—except for the first day of school.

I glanced at the calendar—August 28, 1966.  My first day of fifth grade and the beginning of a new school year, a new classroom, and many new faces. However, it wasn’t like any other first day of school.

I eyed my new teacher sitting at her desk. Why didn’t she introduce the new students—the ones off by themselves? I supposed that would be awkward since other newcomers weren’t different from the rest of us. To point out those in the back would only draw attention to them—that they didn’t belong.

I stole a glance despite my conscience telling me I should quit staring. I was bothered by everyone who was ignoring the new kids in the back. The room was unusually quiet. I could only hear whispers. No laughter. No warm greetings. No jokes. Just—whispers.

I half turned in an attempt to see into the eyes of one of the two black girls who sat alongside a black boy. Could I read fear in her face? Could I sense shyness in her unwillingness to make eye contact? Or was it something else?

In a classroom of uncertainty and scorn, I knew what it was like to be the one who was different. Long-buried memories resurfaced—and I felt their discomfort, all alone in a sea of white faces.


The above story was my personal introduction to desegregation in Cobb County, Georgia, just north of Atlanta, in fifth grade. Much progress toward racial equality has been made in the years following. However, I fear the Black Lives Matter movement threatens to undermine what's been achieved. The founders spearheading the campaign have added an underlying agenda that has nothing to do with the core issue.

I’m not going to minimize the problem of prejudice and racism. I know it exists, but I genuinely believe it is a people problem and not a country problem. If one takes a hard look at America compared to other countries, racial equality is more substantial here than anywhere else. We are a rich and vibrant culture—mainly due to the vast number of people who have immigrated here. The truth is, except for the Indians, we are all immigrants.

For a moment, though, I want to focus on African-Americans. I was as disturbed as everyone else to witness the murder of George Floyd at the hands of three white Minneapolis police officers on May 25, 2020.  What happened was pure evil. Regardless of what preceded such an atrocity, to hold a helpless man down on the ground for almost nine minutes and stand by and watch his life leave him was inhumane. It makes me wonder if those police officers were psychopaths. I hope all three of them are punished to the fullest extent of the law. In my mind, they should receive the death penalty.

But this is where I draw the line: Because three officers in Minneapolis used poor judgment cannot be used as a basis to judge all police officers. 

One cannot use one injustice (killing George Floyd) to fix other wrongs (e,g., defunding the police), which would have a disastrous effect on society. To riot, set buildings on fire, create autonomous zones where police are forbidden to go, or to embrace and give credence to a movement like Black Lives Matter is only perpetuating evil.

I captioned the local news in Santa Monica when rioters were stealing and robbing from stores. The police stood by and did nothing. I am a single mother, and I found this appalling. It makes me consider that I need to arm myself and know how to shoot like a pro. Who knows when I might have to defend myself or my daughters because the police can’t or won’t. We live in dangerous times. If we continue on this path, we will have anarchy.

Is that justice? What do people think when they say they want to defund the police? Look at what happened in the Chaz Zone (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) in Seattle this past weekend. The area was off-limits to Seattle police. There were two shootings within forty-eight hours. One person was killed, and another was critically injured. I captioned Fox News last week, where businesses in the Chaz Zone were destroyed, and the police did nothing. Who knows how many rapes and assaults have taken place. I want to give these people the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they are well-intentioned, but they are sorely misguided to come up with this ill-concocted solution. One person is needlessly dead and another critically injured.

These demonstrators, emboldened by the Black Lives Matter Movement, have exchanged God’s moral law or standard for one based on a tribe’s governing rules. Whatever the tribe says is right. If you have a different set of standards, then you are part of the problem. That makes what’s right and what’s wrong morally relative. What does that create? Lawlessness.

In Matthew 24:10-12, Jesus told his disciples, when they asked him when the end of all things would be: 

...many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 

In 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 (NKJV), the Apostle Paul wrote to the church:

...And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 

And for this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

The Black Lives Matter Movement is dangerous. Their platform shreds the Bible—God’s moral law—and replaces it with the #BLM tribal standard. Sadly, many well-meaning organizations, Christians, and churches have bought into the Black Lives Matter agenda without carefully considering their real motive or platform.

The Bible predicted these events thousands of years ago. Those who know Biblical prophecy recognize what is happening now are the very things Jesus and the Apostle Paul predicted.

If the reader would like to read the platform of Black Lives Matter, CLICK HERE.

For those who don’t have time to read all of it, I will post a few excerpts.


We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.
We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.
We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.
We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.
...We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families...
We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise)[i]

In contradiction to Biblical teachings, the last statement is disturbing: “We foster a queer-affirming network.” Nowhere in the Bible does God promote a “queer” lifestyle.
The definition of “queer” in Merriam-Webster is 
1. a:  Worthless, counterfeit - queer money; b: Questionable, suspicious.
2. a: Differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal; b: (1): eccentric, unconventional (2): mildly insane; c: absorbed or interested to an extreme or unreasonable degree; d: Often disparaging + offensive. (1): SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO MEMBERS OF THE SAME SEX
3. Not quite well
As I wrote above, I remember my first day of class in fifth grade when three black students were seated in an all-white classroom. I became good friends with one of the girls. She was a B+ student and a kind person.
However, at that time, my parents were not comfortable with me bringing her home with me. My mother’s comment was, “What would the neighbors say?” That was almost fifty years ago. Most people, including my mother, today, would think nothing of it. Things have changed despite the fact some want to stir up hatred and prejudice.
I ask the reader if you embrace the Black Lives Matter platform, what will God say to you? If you kneel for George Floyd or anyone but Jesus Christ, what are you saying about your faith in God?
My mother has long since admitted her response was racist, and she is no longer like that. Most people aren’t. Just because a few rotten apples are racist should not taint the rest of us who are white, hard-working, pro-Trump supporters. I don’t know of anyone personally who has a predisposition to dislike anyone who isn’t white. However, we still need to talk about our differences in a constructive way.
One afternoon at a writer's conference, I went over to sit across the table from a black author whom I respected. I told her I wanted to talk about racial relations and get her thoughts. When I told her that I didn’t see color, she said that it was a racist comment—that I should see black because black is beautiful. Her response was not what I expected.
I have a daughter who comes from another continent who looks nothing like me and is not Caucasian. I don’t see her skin color. I don’t see her physical differences. I see my daughter. Why should I consciously try to see her as anything else? I disagree with my black author friend’s observation, but I respect what she said. I’m learning and listening. That’s the first step toward reconciliation.
In the twenty-plus years since I adopted my daughter, I have never heard a racist comment about my family. People have asked if we go together. But considering my daughter was born in Asia and I’m about as white as they come, it’s a legitimate question.
Perhaps my author friend was right; I should see black. However, when you live in a diverse community (my community is more diverse than hers as she lives in another city), everyone blends in. The first thing I notice when I look at someone is not their skin color. I wonder if they are a Christian. I look at them as someone I might like to know better or as my sister or brother in Christ.
I don’t believe the Black Lives Matter Movement is based on racial reconciliation as they want us to believe. Demonic forces in high places are at work, stirring up the #BLM Movement (and Antifa) to cause strife, unrest, and hate. 
Tearing down statues of iconic figures from the past—people like Winston Churchill of England, Matahma Ghandi of India, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other American heroes—does nothing to help the more significant cause of promoting reconciliation and racial equality. Were these men perfect? No. But there was one man who was—Jesus Christ, and some now want to tear down statues depicting the only perfect human being who ever lived.
Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life. There is a song I love to sing, They Will Know We Are Christians by Our Love, and the words go like this:

We are one in the Spirit.  

We are one in the Lord.  

We are one in the Spirit.

We are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity

May one day be restored

And they’ll know we are Christians

By our loveby our love
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians 
By our love.

What can we do as Christians to combat racism and prejudice? As a starter, don’t support Black Lives Matter. Their platform is divisive, and it goes beyond promoting racial equality to the point that it discriminates against heterosexuals and the traditional American family, among other things.
I also want to point out one other important thing. Nowhere in the BLM platform is there any mention about abortion. The fact is they do nothing to condemn it. Like Stacey Abrams from Georgia, who served in the House of Representatives from 2007 to 2017, many leaders are pro-choice advocates and promote the #BLM agenda, including abortion. The Planned Parenthood Oregon website touts their commitment to Black Lives Matter in the article, “Our Commitment to Black Lives Matter.”[ii]
If they cared about black lives, shouldn’t they care about black babies? Do the lives of black babies not matter? The hypocrisy is sickening. How can  #BLM advocates march (even peacefully) when they condone the killing of their black children? 
According to the Arizona Capitol Times, in an article entitled: “Abortion: The Overlooked Tragedy for Black Americans,” the leading cause of death in the African-American population is abortion. Don’t Baby Black Lives Matter also? If so, then why do they promote abortion? The article states: “At a ratio of 474 abortions per 1,000 live births, black women have the highest ratio of any group in the country”[iii]
We will never have good racial relations in this country as long as African-Americans play the “race” card and continue to see themselves as victims. If they are victims, oftentimes, it’s because of their own choices. If they remain victims, I have to ask why. In America, out of all places, citizens have the freedom of upward mobility. That’s what makes America great. Travel to Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa—you won’t find a single country where people have as much opportunity to improve themselves and their families as you do in the United States.

Most people don’t realize the history of slavery. Slavery was an acceptable form of bondage that dates back thousands of years, even to before the time of Christ. Of the millions of Africans sold into slavery around the world, only 5% came to America, and they were the fortunate ones. Muslim countries relied heavily on slaves and castrated them and turned them into eunuchs. When the black slaves outlived their usefulness, they killed them.

The five percent that came to America married, had children, and formed their own culture. Many left paganism to embrace the true God, Jesus Christ, and became believers themselves. They wrote spirit-filled hymns and were allowed the freedom of worship.

Our country fought to end slavery in the Civil War. When that happened, we set the standard for everyone else to follow. Many countries did end slavery in the years and decades following. Our abolishment of slavery set a new worldwide standard. The last nation to outlaw slavery was Mauritania in 1981.

Again, as long as African-Americans see themselves as victims, they will never achieve their full potential as a distinct race with God-given creativity and potential. However, much progress has been made. Let’s not condemn the excellent work that has been done because a small number of people in the United States want to create division and chaos. We’ve even had a black man to serve two terms as President of the United States. That means there is no level of achievement that an African-American cannot attain. When you think about it, considering their humble beginnings in America, that’s pretty remarkable.

Hundreds of black athletes in the NBA, NHL, MLB, and other high-profile sports make millions of dollars each year. I doubt that any of them would have achieved their dream if they had not worked hard. Playing the “victim” card wouldn’t have earned them a spot on any team roster. Hard work, talent, and perseverance prevailed. There was a time when it didn’t, but that’s not true anymore. Team owners want the best athletes, and they will pay to get the most bang for their buck. 

I can’t think of any profession in today’s world where African Americans have not contributed their gifts and talents in pursuit of the American dream. It’s there for the taking; my biggest fear is that our young people will settle for mediocrity rather than work hard to rise to the top. Socialism threatens to destroy the capitalist system, which is what has made America great. Those people who tout socialist virtues might not like it so much when Uncle Sam takes 90 percent of their paycheck. That’s socialism. Socialism is legalized theft through taxes.  

Like so many others, I had a DNA test to find out where my roots lie. I discovered I have African ancestors. One of my relatives on an ancestry website, who I share DNA links with, claims to be the first black postal worker in America. 

The truth be told, we are all inter-related. We all go back to Noah and his descendants. There is beauty in diversity, and there is unity in Jesus Christ.

One day last week, when I returned home, I saw my African-American neighbor pulling my trash bins from the road and depositing them at my house. She didn’t have to do that. It was kindness.

I called her over and told her as I leaned out of the car window, “I don’t care what happens in the world. You will always be my friend and neighbor.” I ended the conversation by saying, “God looks at the heart, and you have a good heart.”  I thought she might burst into tears.

When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, He replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind;” and, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27 NIV).

Who is your neighbor? It’s anyone in need. Just open your heart, and God will show you.

[i] “What We Believe,” Black Lives Matter,”
[ii] “Our Commitment to Black Lives Matter,” Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon, June 1, 2020,
[iii] “Abortion: The Overlooked Tragedy for Black Americans,” Arizona Capitol Times, February 25, 2020,