Wednesday, July 6, 2016

BOOK REVIEW: “Seventh Dimension – The City: A Young Adult Fantasy,” Five Stars from Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Reviewed by  for Readers’ Favorite

“Time is an illusion until God’s appointed time.” This is oft repeated, stressed, in fact, in Lorilyn Roberts’ aspiring young adult novel, Seventh Dimension: The City. And what is the seventh dimension? Mathematically, it is quite beyond our simple expectations, but if we think in God’s perspective, it is all consuming, everything and beyond. 

Shale and Daniel are off on another adventure, one that takes them into the realms beyond this world: the underworld and Hades. Evil forces are set upon luring the young couple from their blossoming faith in the Messiah, King Yeshua. Shale has spoken out about her faith at school, to her mother and her friends, even to her father, Brutus, and his frighteningly mystical wife, Scylla. 

Not all have listened, but when she’s sent on a treacherous mission across the ocean to Israel to find the scrolls she had buried in another time, another dimension, she continues to share her belief even when she feels her own faith challenged. 

It is a difficult time with her home country of the United States blacked out by some mysterious force, and the world and within Israel erupting in chaos. 

But once she meets her old friend, Daniel, whom she met previously in another time, another dimension, she is set on her course to follow him and find his father who is being held captive somewhere in Nepal. To what end? Well, that’s the adventure and it’s a real end-of-the-world thriller with all the evil forces rising up. Armageddon is nigh, but will evil prevail?

Lorilyn Roberts captures the reader’s attention from the very first line and carries the excitement to a compelling climax and resolution. Her sense of adventure parallels the adventure of learning and accepting our Messiah, in living our faith to its fullest. 

The story is one of a series, but it can and does stand alone as a powerful witness to the supremacy of our living God. An exciting read, but also a deeply emotional and thought-provoking one.

To learn more or to purchase, click here.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

GUEST APPEARANCE ON CAROLE BROWN'S BLOG Stitches Thru Time: A Visit with YA Author Lorilyn Roberts: Her books ...

Please visit Carole Brown’s blog where she is featuring me today. If you leave a comment, you might win a signed copy of Seventh DimensionThe City: A Young Adult Fantasy, Book 5 in the Seventh Dimension Series.

Stitches Thru Time: A Visit with YA Author Lorilyn Roberts: Her books ...: It's with real pleasure I introduce and welcome Lorilyn Roberts today as our guest. Her books are delightful young adult and award winni...

Friday, June 24, 2016

BOOK REVIEW: “Seventh Dimension – The City: A Young Adult Fantasy”: Five Stars from Literary Classics Awards

Eighteen-year-old Shale's name is discovered on an ancient scroll which dates back over 2,000 years. The Illuminati are determined to get their hands on the two remaining scrolls to ensure no-one learns about the truths which lie behind these documents. Shale, and her friend Daniel, risk all to ensure the scrolls won't get into the wrong hands. As the two travel through time and space they encounter the forces of good and evil as ancient prophecies of the end-times unfold.

The City, the fourth book in the Seventh Dimension Series, is an exciting page-turner which will keep readers engaged from beginning to end. Fans of author Lorilyn Roberts’ work will continue to be enthralled by this intense supernatural thriller in which religion and science go head to head. The City is recommended for home and school libraries and has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

Seventh Dimension - The City is a silver medalist in the Literary Classics Awards for 2016. 

The City, Click here to learn more and/or order. 


Saturday, June 4, 2016

CREATIVE WRITING INSIGHTS: “How To Write A Memoir In Twelve Easy Steps,” by Lorilyn Roberts

trip to Disney with my daughters

All of us have lived through dramatic times of ecstasy and pain. For the sensitive and sensate person, memories of these events are etched in the psyche and have molded us into who we are. A memoir is a way to touch at the heart of those feelings and allow them to be shared with others.

A memoir is different from an autobiography because it takes a “snapshot” of certain events in a person's life. A memoir tends to read more like a novel. Usually a memoir is written in more colorful language than an autobiography and only relevant information is included—not everything about a person's life should be shared. How do I get started, you may ask? Here are twelve steps I followed in writing my adoption memoir Children of Dreams.

1. A memoir should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. There should be a problem, a conflict, and a resolution. 

2. It might be helpful to pull out old pictures, diaries, and objects to bring to memory the experiences you are writing.  If possible, go to the scene and relive the events in your mind.

3. Allow your feelings to flow freely from your mind and heart—they may be painful, terrifying, hurtful, crazy, or not understood, but to write a good memoir, you must bring the buried nemeses to the surface and write with passion.

4. Listen to music that will transport you from your surroundings to the time and place of the memoir. I like classical music, but anything that stirs your emotions and allows your mind to be absorbed back into that moment will work.

5. Don't do any major editing until you've written all that you can remember. Worry later about clean-up. If you edit too soon, you may change something that is important.

6. Expect to feel like you are going crazy. Your feelings may create powerful emotions that are buried deep, but when you write those hidden passions and distorted thoughts on paper, it can be cathartic. The story may even write itself and come to a resolution you never thought possible. 

7. Make sure you validate facts. A memoir is based on truth, so dates, times, names, people, and sequence of events are important. Otherwise, your credibility may come into question if something you have written is shown not to be true. It may be necessary to change names or locations, and this is acceptable provided you put a disclaimer at the beginning.

8. A good memoir is rich in color—metaphors, similes, descriptions, dialogue, and feelings will make your memoir come alive.

9. After you've written around one hundred pages, take some time to reflect on what you have said. Then put it aside for a few days, don't look at it, and come back and re‑read it. It will be easier to spot things that need to be revised or rewritten. Save deletions for later.

Vietnam when I adopted Joy from my Memoir Children of Dreams

10.  Be kind to yourself. Writing a memoir is a very personal, gut-wrenching journey.

11. After you have written the rough draft and edited it as much as you can, including deletions, give your memoir to some trusted friends for feedback. You may see a pattern in their comments, and that's a good indication of what needs further revision. Don't be shy and seek a professional editor if needed.  

12. Never give up. Never, never give up. Need I say it again? Never, never, never give up. 

Why Write a Memoir?

First, the memories are important to you. The intimate details will soon be forgotten if they are not written down. The memoir validates your experience and gives meaning to your life. Your memories become a treasured journey for others to learn from and enjoy.

A memoir can be a gift to your children, your parents, your friends, your country, and the world. Only you can tell the story that you've been given, and other people's lives will be enriched. Most of all, if you're like me, you will be set free from the past and empowered to write your next story.

You will be changed and healed in ways that would not have been possible without writing your story. Having gone through the journey twice, you will be wiser. Perhaps you will touch others in a way you couldn’t have imagined because the “gestalt” of your experience is universal. Most importantly, you will have accomplished what you set out to do, and that is to write your memoir.   

I say it again, never give up. It will be worth it when you have finished.

You can purchase the new audiobook of my adoption memoir Children of Dreams by clicking here.

Sunday, May 29, 2016


I want to remind readers the first book in the Seventh Dimension Series, The Door, a Young Adult Fantasy, is FREE across the web. Be sure to download it. My best-selling memoir Children of Dreams is also available for free when a reader signs up to receive my monthly email. Please share with your friends and family if you are already on my email list.

To more good news—what I’m most excited about is my new book, Seventh Dimension –The City, a Young Adult Fantasy, Book 4. If you click on the hyperlink, you will be taken to a “landing page” where you can read early reviews and easy purchase links.

You can read Seventh Dimension – The City without having read the first three books, but I believe you will enjoy the series more if you read the books in order. Many hours have gone into creating a plot that could be supported by facts. Weaving uncomfortable truths (or conspiracies) into a story with a Christian worldview that instills hope was both challenging and redemptive.

I haven’t had an opportunity to promote The City for a formal launch and I may not do one. My focus is getting the Seventh Dimension Series into bookstores and libraries. Recently, I have found web promotions to be ineffective. However, I will be sharing on my blog as well as guest blogging. Hopefully, my new book and insights will pique your interest.

Before I started writing The City, I asked God to show me the battle between good and evil. I didn’t know what God would show me, but my eyes were opened. While the whole series is unique, The City is truly an eye-opener.

Reviewers have found the Seventh Dimension Series difficult to categorize. One reviewer called The Door a Biblical Alice in Wonderland. Others compared The Door to the Narnia Series, but the series goes much deeper. Whether you are a YA or an adult, I believe you will be entertained, inspired, and encouraged.

I doubt anyone would be as crazy as me and spend the hours of research I did to write books on this topic. My number one priority was to stay true to scripture. My second priority was to write a story that was compelling and creative. 

God impressed many things upon me, Based on world events and the current state of affairs, when considered in light of scripture, I came to the conclusion the Messiah’s return could be imminent. The truth is, of course, we don’t know when Yeshua will return, but I believe the church is sleeping (remember the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25). Many folks are too busy or preoccupied to think about what’s happening. Complacency is dangerous. As a broadcast captioner, I can tell you many things don’t make it into the news that should because Satan is a master at deception. He would rather keep people in the dark about the true state of affairs.

Lest I bore you with author ramblings, let me share a little about Seventh Dimension - The City.

Seventh Dimension – The City begins with Shale Snyder, the protagonist, defending creationism in a high school biology class where three prevalent views on the origins of humankind are debated. While many Christians find this discussion self-evident (I was chided by a well-meaning church leader who said no one believes in evolution anymore), I’ve been surprised my most contentious comments on Twitter have come from Twitter followers who espouse evolution as if it were the gospel. To them, it probably is.

If you are one of those people, I want to share an interesting observation I hadn’t thought about until I read one of Dr. Hugh Ross’s books.

Consider the eye. Many parts of the eye go into seeing (we know that because an eye exists), but in the beginning, the parts that go into seeing (not the retina) wouldn’t know they were evolving into seeing because seeing was a nonexistent entity carried out by another type of cell. In other words, it would be evolving to perform a function that didn’t exist at that time.

Here is another observation from a writer friend of mine, Gregg Edwards:

The one thing I remember from “In Six Days,” had to deal with DNA. DNA contains a “language” that had to exist at least at the same time if not before DNA came about. So if evolution were true, the “language” for DNA would have to exist before DNA, which is physically impossible.  I remember a little demonstration would be to have a class of students pick Scrabble tiles out of a bag to see how improbable it would be to draw enough tiles to get a word, even say a three-letter word. But, thinking about this, suppose the kids drew three to four tiles, and they came up with words like “dog” or “cat.”

These words only have meaning because we have a language. If you used Scrabble tiles with Russian Cyrillic’s (for English speakers), they would not know if they made a word because they would not understand the language. To me, this demonstrates the fallacy of evolution. 

Have other insights? Feel free to leave a comment and consider reading Seventh Dimension – The City where more provocative ideas are presented.

I researched many topics including some controversial ones like UFOs, genetic manipulation, micro-chipping, HAARP (the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), CERN, EMPs, the reappearance of the nephilim, and occultism. As I learned more, two questions surfaced worth pondering:  Is mind control and time travel possible?

Other strange questions involved the Bible. Did fallen angels really marry women whose descendants are referred to as nephilim? Do star gates exist on earth from a previous time? Is gnostic or supernatural knowledge active in the world today? Does it have the power to influence world leaders, science, and religion? Can believers be deceived by half-truths?

The devil is notorious for tickling the human mind with enough truth to persuade an unsuspecting person to believe his foolishness, or as the Bible says in Romans 1:25: They traded the truth of God for a lie. They bowed down and worshiped the things God made instead of worshiping the God who made those things...” (ERV version).

This is only the backdrop for the continuing story of Shale and Daniel in The City. Previously they met in the first century in The Door. At the conclusion of The Castle, Book 3 Daniel returns to the Old City of Jerusalem and discovers an unsettling mystery.

Seventh Dimension – The City picks up with Shale. Almost three years have passed since she returned from the first century. She knows Daniel should be returning soon since he began his journey in 2015. It’s now 2016 and Daniel has yet to return, raising concerns for Shale—is he still alive? But as her best friend reminds her, “Time is an illusion in the seventh dimension.”

Soon Shale’s story merges with Daniel’s in a way neither could have imagined. Is Shale’s long, lost father involved in a major conspiracy? Will Daniel be able to rescue his father? Is Armageddon about to be unleashed on the world?

Shale and Daniel travel to the ends of the earth and come face-to-face with a world more real than reality itself. Interdimensional time travel reveals hidden truths, and soon Shale must make the most difficult decision of her life—one that will affect her and Daniel. Thrust into an apocalyptic alternate world, she must choose between mortal love and immortality.

Strange signs in the heavens manifest, global chaos ensues, and evil runs amok. The United States is rendered impotent. Other powers rise that are otherworldly.

Nothing I mention in The City is beyond plausibility. I would be surprised if some of the events I mention don’t happen in the next few years. However, once again, “time is an illusion.” We may only have a few months or we may have years. Only God knows. The question is: Are you ready to meet your destiny?

Considering my target audience is YA, I kept the book to a PG rating. However, I don’t believe the latter days will be rated PG. If you look at the book of Revelation, I believe we have underestimated the horror that awaits humankind. I hope my Seventh Dimension Series gives a glimpse mitigated with Godly hope. 

I believe YA readers have settled for werewolves and other fictional ideologies because they don’t realize the truth is more compelling, more real, and more shattering. I believe deception is already infiltrating our movies and books. Old and young readers have settled on a form of entertainment denying the reality that awaits them yet tickling their minds into enjoying trivialities, irrelevant storylines, and far worse. Jesus used stories to tell great truths. Satan uses stories to tell great lies.

As Joshua said in Joshua 24:15: “Choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites.”

Those gods that existed at the time of Joshua still exist today. They have continued in modern times under different names and in different forms, and according to Revelation, the worst of those fallen angels will be released from the bottomless pit at His appointed time.

According to Revelation 9:13-16, they have been chained since the days of Noah. When set free, they will be allowed to kill one-third of humans. The size of the army will be 200 million mounted troops.

In upcoming blog posts, I will talk about these topics. I want to write a companion book similar to Am I Okay, God? My passion to bring YA to a saving knowledge of Yeshua as the Messiah is too overwhelming not to share on a deeper level.

I have two more books to write in the Seventh Dimension Series. I can’t wait to finish the final book, but I need to pay some bills first. Please help by sharing my books with friends and family, and reviews are always welcomed.

You can purchase The City at this link from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Nook, Kindle, and more.

Sunday, May 22, 2016


To receive Children of Dreams for free on Nook or Kindle, visit my website and sign up for my email list.

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I was reminded of Shattered Dreams by the Christian Psychologist Dr. Larry Crabb and the story from the Bible he uses of Naomi. She lost her husband and her two sons and had to move back to Bethlehem a widow and childless. But she is redeemed through the marriage of Ruth and Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer. That book ends with her grandson on her lap, in the city where Christ would eventually be born, of the same line as the very child she was bouncing on her knee. Lori's story is book ended with scripture and woven throughout. Like Naomi, she is an encouragement and an example to other women who have had their dreams shattered. - Rachel Hofer, Amazon Reviewer

What a lovely testimony to the power of faith and love. This flowing story of a single mother and her international quest to adopt her daughters in both Nepal and Vietnam speaks to the heart of Christian mothers everywhere. Beautifully crafted with authentic dialogue, interspersed with elegant descriptions, as well as relevant Biblical passages, Ms. Roberts takes us on a spiritual journey, leaving us both breathless and totally engaged. What a moving story of faith and love, as well as hope and joy (which happen to be part of her daughters’ names!) The book I received for review is further enhanced by fact that it is a special edition that has all profits going to the Christian Library Project in Nepal…and the author and her daughter are traveling soon to Nepal to deliver additional donated books to the orphans there. - Sherrill S. Cannon, Award-winning Author and Amazon Reviewer

I loved this book. I read it in my downtime at work. It was a great book and very touching. I have the dream of adopting a child one day. I am 25 yrs old and have two beautiful daughters already, but I would love to adopt my third child. This book really gave me the inspiration I needed to go and adopt in the future. Thank You. - Tanya Ortiz, Amazon Reviewer

One of the best books I have ever read. It held my attention and the stories of each individual child were amazing. - Dorothy Cook, Amazon Reviewer

I read this e-book quickly. The author writes from her heart and she took me along on quite a journey! I prefer non-fiction and this is one of the best I have read in a while. If you are compassionate, you will enjoy this well-written book. I wholeheartedly recommend it. - Bess in Virginia, Amazon Reviewer

What a wonderful, heartwarming page-turner. Lorilyn is a very talented author who had a very compelling try story to tell. She relates her Christian faith and glorified her God in a very inspiring, emotional story that credits our Lord for the miracles He bestows, allowing her to adopt these precious children. 

After reading Ms. Roberts’ experiences, I cannot settle down with another book. Lorilyn Roberts is in a class all her own as a writer. I hope she will continue to write books like this. - Linda, Amazon Reviewer