Wednesday, November 25, 2015

EVEN IN DARK MOMENTS - BE THANKFUL: Devotional by Lorilyn Roberts

Below is a classic hymn from a nineteenth-century pastor in England, "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come." I have read and experienced many depressing things lately, and yet, God has impressed upon me, be thankful anyway. 

Our momentary afflictions will soon pass and God will bring us into His presence. What greater thought could there ever be than that this side of paradise? So let's rejoice this Thanksgiving that Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest and soon He will return.

All the world is God's own field,
Fruit unto His praise to yield;
Wheat and tares together sown
Unto joy or sorrows grown.
First the blade, and then the ear,
Then the full corn shall appear;
Lord of harvest, grant that we
Wholesome grain and pure may be.

For the Lord our God shall come
And shall take His harvest home;
From His field shall in that day
All offenses purge away,
Give His angels charge at last
In the fire the tares to cast,
But the fruitful ears to store
In His garner evermore.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

LORILYN ROBERTS BOOK REVIEW: “Why Brilliant People Believe Nonsense” by J. Steve Miller and Cherie K. Miller

When I began reading Why Brilliant People Believe Nonsense, I was surprised to discover people who I thought were brilliant—like Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein—sometimes believed nonsense. They might have been brilliant, but their thinking was also flawed at times in significant ways. The number of examples J. Miller gives showing how successful people succumb to fallacious thinking surprised me.

Dozens of illustrations of fallacious thinking are cited, including misinterpreting data, drawing erroneous conclusions, asking incorrect questions, exuding overconfidence, being under-confident, married to brands, blinded by prejudices, and on and on. I had a few "ouch" moments myself. I have fallen into some of these ridiculous ways of thinking without even being aware of it.

As an author, I found many parts of the book enlightening. For example, how to ask deeper questions when developing the plot, taking the time to reflect and not make quick assumptions.  I write historical fiction—know my sources, if they are authentic. Are they accurate? (As I work on "The City in the Seventh Dimension Series," I found this especially convicting as I've come across many conspiracy series dealing with the last days).

J. Miller used the example of author Dan Brown and “The Da Vinci Code.” Mr. Brown relied too heavily on conspiracy theories and not enough on solid historical facts. Thus, his book lacked the authenticity it needed to be true, and too many people "bought" into the idea of it being accurate without a thorough examination of the sources.  This is just one example of many that Mr. Miller expounded on to show why brilliant people believe nonsense.

If the smartest people in history have made some of these common mistakes, how many more have the rest of us made? And can we become better thinkers? "Why Brilliant People Believe Nonsense" can make us aware of these fallacies and challenge us to think more creatively and intuitively.

Hopefully, the insights I've gleaned will allow me to write more thought-provoking books and be aware of the pitfalls of erroneous thinking. “Why Brilliant People Believe Nonsense” is a great read for anyone who enjoys learning how to be a better thinker, and the fascinating stories woven through the pages about people we all know and respect makes this book a delightfully entertaining read.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

AUTHOR LORILYN ROBERTS (YA Fantasy) - Win Signed Copies of "The Door" and "Am I Okay, God?"


I rarely send out signed books, so to get a signed book from me is special. I’m just way too busy to even drive to the Post Office to mail anything. And don’t forget, "The Door" in the Kindle version is free on Amazon.

Friday, October 2, 2015

BOOK REVIEW: “Seventh Dimension - The Castle” Five Stars from Readers' Favorite Reviewer Paul Johnson

In Seventh Dimension - The Castle: A Young Adult Fantasy by Lorilyn Roberts, Daniel, a young Jewish man from present-day Jerusalem, enters the seventh dimension where he learns that time is an illusion. In the seventh dimension, he finds himself in first-century Palestine where he becomes witness to events surrounding the arrest and trial of Yeshua (Jesus). At the same time, Daniel himself is in danger, wanted by the Roman authorities as a runaway slave, and has escaped from prison. 

The scenes rapidly change. One moment in a Roman prison, then at the temple in Jerusalem where he watches Yeshua argue with the merchants, then to the Garden of Gethsemane when the guards arrest Yeshua and where Daniel is almost arrested. Finally, he is at Golgotha where Yeshua dies on the cross. 

While everyone knows the story of Jesus, this is a new perspective. Even knowing Yeshua is going to be betrayed and convicted, there is a sense of anxiety and horror experienced by Daniel as he watches the events unfold. But, for Daniel the story doesn’t end there, there is a learning of things to come. 

Seventh Dimension - The Castle is a strong account chock full of historical significance. It is filled with action and drama. It contains a lot of historical detail, sci-fi, fantasy, and even time travel. The story is technically well written. The fictional characters are strongly developed and the plotting allowed the story to build up at a steady comfortable pace. The dialogue is sharp, well done, and period-specific. All in all, a good story very nicely done.

To purchase from Amazon, click here.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

BOOK REVIEW: “Seventh Dimension – The Castle: A Young Adult Fantasy,” Five Stars from Literary Classics Book Awards and Reviews


Seventh Dimension - The Castle: A Young Adult Fantasy in the Seventh Dimension Series, by Lorilyn Roberts, is a fascinating book which immerses the reader into life during the time of Christ. Daniel has been trapped in the seventh dimension for years now. When he first found himself trapped in time, living in 1st century Israel he was just seventeen years old. Now he’s a man and he has gotten himself into serious trouble. Accused of being a runaway slave, a thief and a murderer, the Romans are on the lookout for him. It doesn’t help that he’s easily recognized for being the greatest Jewish charioteer in the world.

Author Lorilyn Roberts portrays the characters and scenes in this book with such depth and clarity that one can nearly feel the dust on their feet as they travel along the streets of Jerusalem alongside Daniel. Seeing this world through Daniel’s eye’s is an enlightening way to experience life from a Jewish perspective during one of the most pivotal times in the history of mankind. Seventh Dimension - The Castle is highly recommended and has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Awards & Reviews International Book Awards • Top Honors Youth Book Awards • Seal of Approval and Gold Winner

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

FINAL WARNING: Obama and Pope Francis Will Bring Biblical END TIMES [Ful...

This is a well done video that draws strong parallels between Hitler and Obama and their political agenda. Well worth the hour and a half it takes to watch. And as far as Pope Frances -- it bothers me that when he addressed Congress (the first time a Pope has ever done that in history) he never mentioned the name of Jesus Christ. In every book of the New Testament, the books begin with some variation of this:  Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I don't know who this Pope is, but I don't believe he is a follower of Christ. He came in his own name.

I have never considered that Obama and the current Pope could be the ones spoken of in the Bible in the latter days. But this video did open my eyes to possibilities. Satan has always had his agenda in each generation and only God knows the timetable. As Christians, we need to be prepared and not be hoodwinked into thinking the end times are way into the future. That is presumptious and dangerous. The Bible says to stay sober and alert. And continue to pray for the peace of Jeruslaem.

Monday, September 28, 2015

BOOK REVIEW: “Seventh Dimension – The King: A Young Adult Fantasy,” Five Stars from Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Book Review
Readers\' Favorite Book Contest Award Winner
Reviewed by  for Readers' Favorite

Daniel is a teenager with an unusual talent: he can read people's thoughts. He's also a young Jewish boy living in 2015, one with a troubled past that is marred by disappearances and deaths of loved ones that ultimately sent him to a psychiatric facility for rehabilitation. He quickly learns that rehabilitation isn't something that science can fix and he leaves in frustration, only to return home and have his world literally disintegrate around him. That's when he travels back in time to the first century, to an Israel that is totally foreign and a life that challenges not only his well being, but also his shattered beliefs, his shattered faith. Daniel crosses paths with Jesus of Nazareth. 
He meets others from this time period, good people and not-so-good people, and he chooses diverse paths in the misconception that money will solve his problems. In the end, he loses all that he earns in this first century world, justifying a need to find a purpose, to reclaim his Jewish faith and heritage, and to come to understand this person - this rabbi, this teacher, this healer - that people are claiming is the Son of God. 

Lorilyn Roberts has written a thrilling time travel story that will inspire young readers to look into themselves to discover their beliefs and their faith, and to strengthen their passion to follow their God. This is a page-turning thriller, a coming-of-age time travel fantasy that challenges a young man's faith and belief in God.

BOOK AWARD AND PRESS RELEASE: Reader’s Favorite Recognizes “Seventh Dimension - The King” in Its 2015 International Book Award Contest.

For Immediate Release:  September 28, 2015

Readers’ Favorite recognizes Seventh Dimension - The King in its 2015 International Book Award Contest.

The 2015 Readers’ Favorite International Book Award Contest featured thousands of contestants from over a dozen countries.

Gainesville, FL.  Readers' Favorite has become the fastest-growing book review and award contest site on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the “Best Websites for Authors” and “Honoring Excellence” awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also very proud to be fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies.

In addition to reviewing for some of the biggest names in the literary industry, as well as the first-time independent author, they host a respected award contest that features entries from new authors to NYT best-sellers, as well as celebrities like Jim Carrey and Henry Winkler.

“Readers’ Favorite is proud to announce that Seventh Dimension - The King by Lorilyn Roberts is a Silver Medal Winner in the Young Adult - Coming of Age category in our 2015 International Book Award Contest.”

Amazon best-selling author Lorilyn Roberts combines Christian, Jewish, fantasy, and historical elements into a coming-of-age religious thriller.

In Seventh Dimension -- The King, Book 2, a seventeen-year-old gifted Israeli boy becomes the focus of a wager between good and evil.  After an earthquake strikes the Temple Mount, a series of cataclysmic events propel the teen back to the first century.

Lorilyn Roberts was in Israel at the beginning of the Gulf War in 1991 and received her Master of Arts in Creative Writing from Perelandra College. You can visit Roberts at her website:

In addition, “Seventh Dimension – The King, Book 2,” received a gold medal in the 2014 Literary Classics Book Awards for faith-based YA fiction, was a finalist in the 2014 USA Book Awards for religious fiction, was a winner in the 9th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards for spirituality, was a finalist in the 2015 Best Indie Book Award for YA fiction, and was a finalist in the visionary category for the 2015 International Book Awards.

Lorilyn Roberts
Seventh Dimension - The King

Monday, September 21, 2015


I have hesitated to write this post because it's controversial. It will make readers uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable. But God has told me it’s time to come out of my comfort zone. It’s time to speak the truth, and sometimes that’s not popular or expedient. Some will think I have become an end times lunatic or a believer in conspiracies. Well, so be it. I write from my heart and continue to ask God for wisdom and discernment.

Before I started working on Seventh Dimension - The City, Book 4, I asked God to show me the battle between good and evil throughout history and into the last days. While God wins, sometimes winning is hugely costly—it cost Yeshua His life. Sometimes winning brings an outcome we don’t expect. Sometimes we must lose the battle to win the war. I am confident of this one thing, though: God is on my side.

Be careful what you ask for. I'm sure you’ve heard that expression before, but it's true. I have spent the last forty plus years living out a comfortable Christianity. Not that my Christian walk has always been easy and not that I haven't endured trials and hardships, but compared to what's coming, I am hesitant to label anything about my Christian walk in the past, comparing it to what’s to come, as anything more than minor suffering.

As I look at what our Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters in Syria and other countries around the world are facing, don’t believe for an instant that what they are enduring won’t come to America. Believe, me, the West is not going to go comfortably into the sunset before the Lord’s return. We are ignorant to think we will escape some degree of suffering even if we don’t experience the full wrath of God.

The King James Bible in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 states: “And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”

Could I be deceived? Could you be deceived? 

In 1994, when my daughter, Manisha, suffered an epileptic seizure, the cause was nearly impossible to diagnose based on ambiguous MRI’s. It was called a "zebra" in medical parlance. We ended up going to Yale University so she could be examined by a renowned doctor in pediatric infectious disease. This physician was the only one who was certain that what my daughter had was a “worm in her head,” known as neurocysticercosis. She assured me it was treatable, that my daughter could fully recover, and that she did not have what was initially labeled as a brain tumor.

Considering that my adoptive father died of a brain tumor five years to the very day that my daughter had the partial complex seizure, I was skeptical and scared. It was this doctor’s validation that gave me the assurance I needed to go to Vietnam and adopt my second daughter, Joy, one week later. Looking back on those difficult days, it’s hard to believe Manisha is now 24 and Joy will be turning 17 in a few short weeks.

How could this doctor be so sure of the diagnosis despite the doubts of others? How could she give me that assurance? Because she knew what neurocysticercosis was—better than anyone else at that time. She was one of the leading authorities on this disease in 1994.

Do we know the times in which we live? Have we studied Scripture and asked God to open our eyes to what's coming? Are we prepared? Are we as the five wise virgins in the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25) ready for the bridegroom’s return? Or are we as the five foolish virgins who missed the wedding because they weren’t prepared and ran out of oil before the bridegroom arrived?

I have always been struck by what Jesus said in this parable: “And the foolish said unto the wise, ‘give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No so; lest there be not enough for us and you, but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.’’’

The wise virgins did not (or could not) give their oil (the Holy Spirit) to the foolish virgins. 

A few years following the health crisis of Manisha, I wrote a blog post about the experience. I explained how she had a parasite in her brain, a parasite that she contracted in Nepal before I adopted her at age 3. I wrote the article so that other adoptive parents could be warned about neurocysticercosis. I didn’t want anyone else to bring home an adopted son or daughter and face the fear and uncertainty I had faced, something that could easily be remedied with a simple deworming pill—just like you give to dogs and cats and farm animals for hookworm and other parasites.

After publishing that article on my blog, I was contacted by the producers of the Animal Planet show, "Monsters Inside Me." They had found my blog post and wanted to feature our story.

A few years after the airing of the episode, the producer emailed me once again and asked if I knew of anyone else who had adopted a child and had a similar story of a brain or other parasitic infection. I told her of one person who had contacted me and who had said he was "filled with worms and didn’t know what to do. They were destroying his body…" The producer responded back and said the person had Morgellons Syndrome. Of course, I had no idea what that was, so I Googled it. Someone suffering from Morgellons Syndrome is deluded with parasites.

The producer of Animal Planet’s “Monsters Inside Me” could tell the difference between someone who really had a parasitic infection from those who only thought they did. 

Do I have that kind of knowledge or perception when it comes to current world events and what the Bible says about those events? Do I know God's truth well enough to tell a fake story from a lie or a delusion? 

Luke 21:26 states: "...Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."

To be honest, until the last couple of months, I couldn't imagine what could be so horrific that men's hearts would fail them with fear. What could be worse than a nuclear bomb? While that is scary, it would not cause my heart to fail me with fear. I guess it’s because I have lived with that possibility all my life.

I believe there are things that will be worse than that—things that are supernatural. 

Luke 17:26 states: "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man."

When I think of these words, I imagine people living in sin, forgetting God, and being filled with wickedness. Every day I caption sports and news on television, and I have yet to caption a newscast that was filled with just “good news.” The problem with this “traditional” interpretation is that this kind of sin has been going on since Adam and Eve rebelled in the garden. What was different about the time of Noah?

How many of you have heard about the Nephilim? How many of you have heard about transhumanism and the creation of hybrids? How many of you have heard about CERN? How many of you have heard about the increase in UFO's, alien abductions, and animal mutilations? How many of you know about the connection of the Vatican with the Mount Graham National Observatory near Safford, Arizona? Why does the Vatican have a telescope in Arizona? What are they looking for? How many of you are familiar with HAARP, a high frequency active auroral secret research program that no one will talk about? 

It's linked to the chem trails that are being sprayed from airplanes all over the world. What are they spraying and why? What about Jade Helm, another top-secret military operation that ended a few days ago—why have they labeled Texas, Utah, and Southern California hostile states?

I have mentioned only a few things here to show you why it's important to know God's truth and why we need to be informed and prepared for the last days—whenever those days might come. We don't know God's timetable for anything. But there are signs. I believe the only thing that is holding back "the day of the Lord" is God's merciful hope that people will turn to Him and repent, and as a nation, we have a lot for which to repent.

This week, several significant events are taking place. The Pope will be visiting the United States and addressing the United Nations and Congress following the most Holy Day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, on September 23. It is the Day of Atonement, a day when Jews fast, engage in prayer, and ask for forgiveness. If the rapture were to take place this year, I believe it would happen on Yom Kippur. Of course, none of us knows the day or the hour. It might not be for a hundred years. Only God knows. 

Other significant events have also happened recently or are still occurring. We are at the end of a blood moon tetrarch cycle that has taken place on the Jewish holy days for the last two years. Historically, tetrarch blood moon cycles rarely fall on the Jewish appointed days, but when they do, significant events have been associated with them.

We are at the end of the seven-year Shemitah (financial) cycle and possibly at the end of the 49-year Jubilee cycle. If this is true (and it’s hard to know absolutely because the Jewish Jubilee hasn’t been celebrated in over 2,000 years), the last Jubilee year before this one would have been in 1967 when the Jews took Jerusalem back on June 11, 1967, in the Six Day War (to calculate this, you need to use the Jewish lunar calendar and not the solar calendar).

We face perilous times in the Middle East. The recent treaty with Iran puts Israel at risk. War is imminent. In my opinion, it's not a matter of "if" but "when."

I began work on my book Seventh Dimension - The City by asking God to show me the battle between good and evil, particularly in the last days. God has given me much to think about. If you ask yourself the same question and you do the same reading and research I have done, you will eventually have the same second question: What is truth and what is delusional?

I don't believe we can know these answers humanly-speaking. Because the battle we fight is spiritual, we can only discern it spiritually. As a Christian, that would be through the Holy Spirit. 

One thing I have learned: The occult is alive and well on planet Earth. Do not underestimate what Satan is about. He is the "prince of the air" and he knows his craft well. He also knows his time is short. He has plenty of “angels of light” roaming the earth giving enlightenment, but be aware. This is occult knowledge—not from Jesus Christ. Have nothing to do with these masqueraders. And there are many, including the elite, those pushing for a New World Order, and those who practice freemasonry.

We must remember Ephesians 6:17-18: "And you will need the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit—which is the Word of God. Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit's wishes. Plead with Him, remind Him of your needs, and keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere."

II Timothy 1:7 states: “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.”

If the stock market crashes a thousand points this week, are you going to panic? If the banks close, do you have some cash stashed away that you can quickly access and live off of for a month? Do you have a few weeks of food on hand if the shelves at the grocery store are emptied by panic-driven mobs? What if there is no money available at the teller machine because our country is in the throes of a financial crisis and no cash or credit is available? What if the power grid fails and your house turns dark? Are you prepared for that kind of adversity? It could happen. It's happened before.

More importantly, if the rapture doesn't happen until after a period of trial and tribulation, are you ready to suffer? Are you ready to die for your faith? A friend of mine who has a friend whose husband is a trucker pulled into a truck-weighing station on the highway. When they checked the contents inside his truck, they found guillotines. Why would anyone be transporting guillotines in America?

We live in perilous times. My greatest fear is the true church in America is sleeping. As Christians, I don’t believe we are prepared physically, emotionally, or spiritually for what may be coming. We are too complacent sitting in front of our television screens, filling our already too full bellies with ice cream and snapping silly selfies with our latest iPhone. I am guilty also, but I am trying to do my part now to alert others—God needs you. He needs you to be a witness. He needs the sleeping church to wake up. We are His army. He needs us to be aware and ready so our oil is full and not empty.

We are either on the verge of the greatest Christian awakening in history or what the Bible refers to as the Tribulation. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather leave for my children a world brimming with the knowledge of God and the love of Jesus Christ. It’s not too late to wake up the sleeping church.

Israel needs you. Be the friend they need during these dangerous days. Yes, the Jews are living in Israel in disbelief. That’s why they need us more than ever. God brought them back in disbelief. He has not abandoned them. God needs us to be their friend and be a witness to them. They need to know evangelical Christians are behind them one hundred percent even if Washington isn't.

We need to stand for truth when it comes to marriage. Don't cave in. Don't compromise. God made man and woman this way, to cling to one another and bear children together. To believe anything other than this is an abomination. Don’t be deceived.

Ask God to forgive us for any role we have had in the greatest holocaust since World War II—the killing of the unborn child. Their blood cries out for justice. We should shake in our shoes over God’s coming judgment for this horrific crime—a crime that has not only afflicted our country, but we set the precedent and gave “permission” to legalize abortion to the rest of the world. We have led the whole world astray. 

The timing of the release of the Planned Parent videos is not without significance. We have sacrificed our children at the altar of convenience, and ultimately, Satan’s altar. We have fed the false religions of this world with the blood they crave—just like the heathen in ancient times. Don’t be deceived. There is power in that blood—the power of life. Don't believe for a second God has turned a blind eye to the one billion plus children who have been aborted worldwide. “The day of the Lord” is coming.

Pray for our country. Pray for our nation. Pray for revival. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray that no matter what happens, whether we see demons coming in UFO's who claim to be the saviors of mankind or our country is invaded with strange apparitions that are part human and part demonic (Nephilim), we will not waiver in our faith. We will not take the mark of the beast. We will die for our belief that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the Messiah and no one else. No matter what happens, remember who wins, and in the end, that's all that matters. The battle belongs to the Lord and He will give all of us the strength and grace to do His good work until His return.

Again, do not give up or grow weary. There is good in the world and it’s worth fighting for. God does not want anyone to perish, but for everyone to be saved. Let’s join together and pray for revival before it’s too late. There is still time. Return to God. Pray—in the car, in the shower, in bed, at work. Pray unceasingly—and hopefully, God will hear our prayers and delay His coming judgment.