Showing posts with label The City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The City. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2016

LATEST FROM LORILYN ROBERTS – Testimony of God’s Grace, Audio Books, Book Quotes, Book Reviews, and More

Two days before my 30th birthday my ex-husband left me for another woman. The house was cold and empty and I thought I would never be happy again. I didn’t want to live anymore and seriously considered ending my life. 

However, life keeps moving forward just as God’s kingdom advances unceasingly. I now have two beautiful internationally adopted daughters, I work at home providing broadcast captioning for television, and I just published my ninth book as an indy author.

Never give up on your dreams—commit your ways to God and He will give you so much more. If anything, I believe we make God too small. We try to create Him in our image and then when our puny dreams aren’t answered, we’re disappointed. Maybe we ask with the wrong motives at times, but more often than not, God wants to give us something better.

Destroyed in the Earthquake, 2015 -Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Nepal

Recently I took a mission trip to Nepal with my younger daughter, Joy. We delivered a hundred pounds of books to orphans. God renewed my spirit on the trip, giving me a more positive attitude toward life and hope that no matter how wicked the world seems, His kingdom is moving forward. The gates of Hell will not prevail.

God put writing on my heart at a very young age—but without great grace, we can’t have great redemption. God surely had a lot of grace He needed to pour into me. I was a wounded spirit.

The hard things in life God used to make me teachable. Only when I came to the end of myself did I realize God really is everything He claims to be—and much more. I am thankful for those dark, fearful, waters almost thirty years ago. Without them, God couldn’t give me the books He wants me to write today.

I am now working on the fifth book in the Seventh Dimension Series where all the events from the first four books will culminate in a dramatic ending to surprise and hopefully satisfy the reader’s desire for a good story.

The process of writing puts me in the seventh dimension – where God reveals Himself to me in ways I don’t understand. The mystery of God keeps me from making God too small. If we don’t have hope that God can give us our ultimate dreams, then we have made God a stingy God. My hope, satisfaction, and supreme joy are wrapped up in my Lord and Savior. If ever I start to doubt God’s grace, I’m the one who has moved, not God.

I returned to college at the ripe old age of fifty-five and received my Master of Arts in Creative Writing. In the last three years, I have won over twenty awards for my writing. My prayer now is to be able to write full time and make a living from my books. In the meantime, I’m thankful for all the opportunities we have to get our books into the hands of readers. Currently, I am working to get my books into libraries. If I am successful, I’ll share in a future blog post what I did. If I’m not successful, I’ll share anyway—no need for others to repeat my utter failures, but I am optimistic.

I hope you will check out my new website at

If you haven’t checked out my audiobooks, you can sample them on my website at

Enjoy this quote from my newest book Seventh Dimension – The City. 

“How far Lucifer had fallen—from the throne room of God to the bottomless pit. Once the most beautiful of God’s creation, now he embodied everything God hated—evil to the core.

“A snake-like tail protruded from his torso. The dragon’s grotesqueness was magnified when he occasionally shapeshifted into the golden angel as God made him in the beginning, if only for a fleeting moment, long enough to remember the magnificent splendor he once had. Now a fallen angel, he was the devil.”