At 1:30pm today I have my 12th and final Taxol treatment. I so appreciate everyone's prayers. I've gone through three months of chemotherapy with normal cell counts, worked full time, and have had so few side effects that I can only attribute it to God. The Adriamycin may be far more difficult, but for now, I’m praising God.
The best part is that I’ve been able to make a lot of progress on the editing of The Prescience. I finished chapter 35 last night out of 49 chapters.
I want to thank Manisha for all her help. Every day she comes over and cleans the litter boxes for me, and each Friday she takes me to my infusion. She has been such an encouragement in so many ways. Thank you, Manisha. I have the most wonderful daughters in the world. Joy has been in Alaska now for over a month working at a Bible camp. Two more months to go. Miss her lots and can’t wait until she comes home.
Please keep praying for healing and that all this poison does its job.