If you are like me, your church is your family. It’s
where you go for help, where you go for prayer, where you share your dreams,
where you worship the Lord you love, and where you unite with like-minded
individuals who share your commitment to Jesus Christ.
When I divorced in 1986, I stayed in Gainesville,
Florida, because I didn’t want to leave my church.
When I arrived home with my first daughter from
Nepal on May 8, 1994, which happened to be Mother’s Day, my prayer group
greeted me at the airport. One of the church leaders prayed over us.
My church was my primary source of support through
my year-long bout with late-stage breast cancer. To this day, some people in
the church are still some of my dearest friends.
So, what happened that led me to leave my beloved
church in October 2020?
The final betrayal to me was when the church
leadership abandoned the preeminence of the unborn baby in the mother’s womb. If
you aren’t pro-life in every way, then you have left your first love—Jesus
I have since learned that some of my closest
friends and cohorts are pro-choice. They won’t come out and say it, but the
truth speaks louder than words when pressed.
One friend said other issues were as important to
her as the abortion issue, and she wasn’t a one-topic voter. In fact, she had
become a registered Democrat. She hated Trump. A cohort this last week said she
could not talk to me about her position on abortion. She also hated Trump.
After being shocked by what they said, sadness
filled my heart. I can understand why someone who isn’t a Christian might think
abortion is a viable birth control measure; I can’t understand how a Christian
could ever feel that way.
Is it because the evangelical church has become so
compromised, so wishy-washy, so consumed with materialism and losing tithers
that, in essence, they are the end-time Laodicean church? Neither hot nor cold,
they can neither inspire a generation of soul seekers for Christ nor can they
discern the signs of the imminent return of Christ.
I’ve discovered many folks who profess to be
evangelicals have an amillennial view of the reign of Christ. That means they
don’t believe in a literal thousand-year worldwide rule of our Savior as King of kings.
We live in a time of “tribal” warfare, and I
believe this is intentional by God. It’s easy to believe there is safety in
numbers. Surround yourself with liars, and you will become one yourself. I
understood the millennium just from reading the Bible. I had to have someone
interpret amillennialism for me because I could never find it in the Bible.
My former, long-time church in Gainesville, Florida, is filled with doctors, professors, and intellectuals who are much more learned than I am. How easy it is to be intimidated by “teachers” who
are more educated. You believe they know better than you—especially a church
that “worships” knowledge and prides itself on its meticulous study of
Scripture and rightly dividing the Word.
If you visited my former church, that is what
would impress you—the supremacy given to Bible study and becoming a learned
disciple of Jesus Christ. Of course, there are other good things about my former church, but it’s the lack of living out that faith in accordance with the Scriptures that shattered me.
What specifically led to my leaving? My former church
refused to post a letter from James Dobson that I wanted to be made available to
the congregants that focused on the differences between the Republican and
Democratic platforms.
During that same general time, one of the pastors led
a prayer from the pulpit, encouraging the congregation to bend the knee for our
confessed and unconfessed prejudice toward African-Americans.
I sent a blog post to my pastors about the origins
of Black Lives Matter and a video by Pastor Brandon Holthaus at Rock Harbor
Church, in Bakersfield, California, concerning the dangers of Critical Race
Theory. One of the pastors emailed me back, “If I follow this pastor’s thinking
to his logical conclusion, he would call me a useful idiot.”
That same pastor said it was wrong to close our
southern borders to families with children coming here for freedom. We agreed
to disagree. I worked as a court reporter for over twenty years. I believe we
must follow all the laws of this great nation as they are written. We can
change those laws if they aren’t working. We can’t find all those missing people
who have entered our country illegally once they are here. I captioned one of
the hearings on C-Span where they talked about this very thing. Most of them never
show up for their court hearing. That’s why we have so many illegal aliens in
our country.
Think about the ramifications—actually, now you
don’t need to. Just watch Fox News and see the consequence of open borders—the
heartbreak, the misery, and the suffering. We will be paying the price forever.
How sad for all those victims—and it was completely avoidable. My former pastor
got what he wanted.
Someone who shall remain anonymous told me that every
elder of my former church voted for Biden except one. How tragic. Years ago,
there was a book for kids titled, What
Would Jesus Do? I wonder, would Jesus have voted for Trump? God has allowed
Biden to be our president for a time, but I don’t think he was God’s choice.
When my former church implemented the
mask mandate, I returned once. After an hour of torture, I realized I could not
sit through a church service wearing a covering over my face and worship the
God I love.
One of the elders on the board of my former church
is an infectious disease doctor, and he went along with the official treatment narrative
of the CDC. Because he said Remdesivir was the best treatment available,
everybody at church believed him—everybody except me. He also said hydroxychloroquine
was an unacceptable alternative. I knew that wasn’t true.
What about the church’s position on Israel? One
member told me she did not believe the promises of God to Israel applied today
and that she supported the Palestinians. Now I think this perversion of truth
permeated the church’s underlying thought. I don’t remember ever praying
corporately for Israel. Based on a sermon one of the pastors gave on the Olivet
Discourse, I asked him afterward if he believed in Replacement Theology. He
asked me what that was. Perhaps he just wanted to make sure he understood my
question. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
I anticipate a rocky road ahead for the Christian
church. Many evangelical leaders, because they hate Trump, have lost, in my
opinion, the ability to lead. John Piper, Max Lucado, Russell Moore, and Tim
Keller are four high-profile Christian leaders whose books I read and pastors/authors
I admired. I gave away all of my books that they wrote, and I had dozens.
I know many people will disagree with me, and I’m
okay with that. I am accountable to God for everything I write and for what I
believe. I fear God—not man. For those who share my deeply-held beliefs, know
you aren’t alone. Just because a doctor, a pastor, or an intellectual tells you
that abortion is acceptable, be a Berean. Search the Scriptures and ask
yourself: How is abortion different from child sacrifice to Baal? We know what
God said about that. What you may not know is that there is power in that blood—and
the Satanists need that power to carry out their demonic purposes. We are
waging a battle for the souls of humankind—people that God sent His Son to die
Satan hates all human life, and babies in the womb are an easy target
because they are defenseless. Too many have closed their ears to their helpless
cries and hardened their hearts to the truth.
The babies’ organs are harvested—harvested while they are still living. Imagine
having your limbs pulled off and your organs removed while you are still alive.
And you want to tell me you can’t stand up for the unborn child? Anyone who
voted for Biden or who calls himself pro-choice will have to answer to God.
I have now officially joined a Messianic
congregation, Kol Simcha, in Gainesville, Florida. I am growing once again in
my faith and am thankful to be part of a dynamic pro-family, pro-Israel,
pro-freedom church that loves the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua Hamashiach. I feel a
soul connection and find peace and serenity with other believers who are
waiting expectantly for our Savior’s return.
Amid a world turned upside-down, where evil is
called good and good is called evil, I’m thankful to unite with others who
share my heart for God. I believe no matter what comes, I am safe. I am where I
need to be.
If you are unhappy with your church, ask God to
lead you somewhere else. Don’t stay in a compromised church. While I believe
revival is coming, I also think persecution is coming.
If the government can
mandate a young child to wear a mask, shut down churches, and lie to you, it
will have no qualms asking YOU to take the “mark of the beast.” It’s only a
matter of time.
Get ready now to fight the greatest battle you’ve
ever fought. If you aren’t willing to live for Jesus Christ, you will never be
willing to die for Him.