Monday, October 14, 2013

GUEST POST BY MICHAEL W. WEBB: What Inspired Me to Write “Infernal Gates”?

Ethan Freeman, ex-Special Forces Ranger, wakes up to discover he is the sole survivor of a fiery commercial airline crash that killed his entire family.  His nightmare is only beginning when he becomes the FBI’s prime suspect.  Only Ethan knows he’s not a cold-hearted murderer, but he has no idea what happened to him--and why he alone survived.

He finds an unlikely ally in Sam Weaver, the NTSB Chief Investigator.  An ex-military pilot, Sam senses Ethan is innocent.  She tries to remain dispassionate in her investigation of the crash even as she finds herself attracted to the man who may be Americas worst homegrown mass-murderer.

Neither Ethan nor Sam realize that shadowy spiritual forces are at work which will alter their lives forever.

A monstrous evil, imprisoned since the time of the Pharaohs, has been released by The Nine, a sinister group of powerful men and women who believe they are the direct descendants of the Anunnaki, ancient Sumerian gods. The demon they have unleashed intends to free The Destroyer from The Abyss, the angelic prison referred to in the Book of Revelation, and unleash a worldwide reign of terror and annihilation.

Facing impossible odds, time is running out for Ethan and all of humanity as he is drawn into an ever-deeper  conspiracy--millennia in the making--and learns that he is the key to stopping The Nine.


It was a dark and stormy night . .
Ooops.  Not really!
J  Sorry Snoopy.

I regularly drive long distances and have a great deal of time to think.  One morning, as I was headed to an appointment, the opening lines from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities scrolled through my mind unexpectedly:  It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.”

As I meditated on those powerful words in terms of the present condition of our fallen world, a fascinating thought popped into my head.  What would happen if my wife and I were on a commercial airliner that crashed within a few minutes of takeoff killing everyone on board—except us!  We awaken exactly 24 hours later, at home, in our bed, dressed in the same clothes we’d worn to the airport.  How would we explain what happened to us?

This is how all of my novels are born. A vivid opening scene, generally an action-filled, pulse-pounding sequence of events, but sometimes several lines of riveting dialog from a character I have yet to meet.  In the case of Infernal Gates, the opening line was “Less than ten minutes before we’re all dead, thought Ethan Freeman, and there is nothing I can do about it!

I’m a seat-of-the-pants writer.  I’ve never done an outline.  All of my stories begin as movies in my head.  I have a general idea about plot, but it morphs into something bigger than my imagination over time.  My characters are born, grow, and mature as I write.   At some point, they take control.  Then, all I do is transcribe as fast as I can whatever I see and hear.

Unbelievable fun—and I get paid to do this!

But I digress.  Back to the “inspiration” theme.

Most of us, sadly, see the world three-dimensionally.  But, as Rod Serling, the creator of The Twilight Zone was fond of saying: There is another dimension--a fourth dimension. A dimension not of sight or sound, or taste or touch, or hearing, but one that overlays the one we accept as the “real” world. A parallel universe layered over the terrestrial realm like a gossamer veil. In order to “see” into this realm and interact with it we must use gifts given to us by God that transcend our fleshly bodies—and our souls.

The realm of Spirit.

I’m inspired by God to write about this realm and explore the consequences of ignoring, denigrating, or misrepresenting its power to impact our lives for all eternity.

I hope you’ll take a chance on an “unknown writer” and join me in my world.

             Michael J. Webb graduated summa cum laude from the University of Florida and obtained his J. D. from the same university.  Over the past forty years he has travelled the world in search of adventure.

            He is a history buff, both ancient and modern, and is fascinated by the intersection of the scientific, supernatural, and Biblical world views, and has studied and taught from the Bible extensively for more than twenty-five years. He is also intrigued by recent discoveries in quantum physics that are now providing extraordinary insights into the reality of the spirit realm, especially as it relates to the study of Light.  He incorporates all of the above into his supernatural thrillers.

            Michael and his wife make their home in North Carolina.  
Books by Michael:  The Master’s Quilt, The Nephilim Parchments, The Song of the Seraphim (Giants in the Earth trilogy), The Oldest Enemy, Infernal Gates.  He is currently working on Devil’s Cauldron, the sequel to Infernal Gates.  He also authored a non-fiction work entitled In the Cleft of the Rock: Insights into the Blood of Jesus, Resurrection Power, and Saving the Soul. 


Saturday, October 5, 2013

I DON'T WANT TO FORGIVE: Devotional from "Am I Okay, God?" by Lorilyn Roberts

Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.”
—Matthew 18:21

Everyone agrees forgiveness is something we should do until we are confronted with the unforgivable.


From Seventh Dimension – The Door, a Young Adult Christian Fantasy:

I stood frozen as if shot with a stun gun. How could he be here? Memories hijacked me—the curse he put on me two years ago, the attack in the hallway, shaming me with the worm, and all the things too numerous to mention. He had made my life hell. I hated him. How dare he follow me here! I began to hyperventilate, feeling my way behind me with my hands.

“Don’t come near me or I’ll kill you.”

id Shale have the “right” to hate Judd? After all, he had molested her and made her life hell.
How about Judd? Was he justified in how he treated Shale? Shale had hurt Judd when she accidentally killed his puppy. Do two wrongs make a right?

I have been a Christian since I was twelve years old. At thirty I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ when I read the book of Romans in the New Testament. My desire to read the Bible was prompted when my husband left me for another woman.

At the core of my struggle was the fact I didn’t want to forgive him. I wanted to hold on to my pain because it was familiar. I had been in a lot of pain for a long time. I didn’t know how I would live without him and I didn’t feel like he deserved to be forgiven.

Besides that, I was grieving. Emotionally I was too distraught to be rational about the concept of forgiveness. Its stranglehold on me was relentless.

Once I reached the point I knew I needed to forgive, I wasn’t sure I wanted to. I felt like I had died a thousand deaths and there was no way I could forgive anyone who had hurt me that badly.

Has someone done something to you and you can’t seem to let go? Have you ever done something to someone else that caused that person immense pain?

Over the course of time, the raw memories will fade. The pain may ease, but will probably always be there. Despite the hurt, forgiveness brings acceptance and peace.

Hate is one of the strongest emotions of the human psyche. Martin Luther King said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

How did Shale’s hatred toward Judd  spill out into other areas of her life? Do you want to be like Shale?

When you harbor unforgiveness, it’s toxic. You can’t compartmentalize it. Being unable to forgive will eventually take over your entire personality. Have you ever met an angry person?

Thoughts, emotions, and actions will be affected. Just like cancer invades a person’s body, hatred knows no boundaries.

Preoccupation with hate can become a full-time job. It takes a lot of energy to stay angry—energy that could be used for more constructive purposes. Satan is the only winner when you refuse to forgive. Is the price of unforgiveness worth it?


Dear Jesus, I want to forgive, but I don’t know how. Help me to let go of my pain. Help me not to hate. Even if I was willing to forgive, it wouldn’t change what has already happened, but I don’t want to be separated from you. Please help me to forgive.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


How about some truth, Mr. President?

My premiums and deductibles have tripled since Obamacare.

You have done nothing for me or my family. As a single mother, you have hurt me. More money comes out of my pocket for insurance than I could have imagined only a couple of years ago. If that's what you want to do, please be honest about it. Don't stand up there and tell the American people lies. I am more worried about my health insurance now into the future than I have ever been in the past. I am not stupid, Mr. President.


“President Barack Obama: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period.

“Mr. President, tell that to tens of thousands of retirees at IBM and Time Warner and dozens of others, who've been dumped from their coverage and told to find their own coverage. Fox News didn't break that news to them, Mr. President. Their companies did.

“Fox News didn't push more of those firms to hire part-time workers. Your healthcare law did. Fox News didn't incentivize fast food restaurants to scale back their benefits. Your healthcare law did. Fox News didn't make doctors want to opt out. Your healthcare law did. Fox News didn't make insurance premiums skyrocket. Your healthcare law did. Just like Fox News didn't grant hundreds of exemptions to companies that needed them. You did. And Fox News didn't delay one key provision after another, including online enrollment for those small business exchanges. You did.

“Just like it wasn't Fox News that said we had to pass this to see what was in this. You did. Or was that Nancy Pelosi? Sometimes I'm confused. But of this, I am not. Fox News didn't re-do basic math. Sir, you did. 

“Fox News didn't say you can cover 30 million more Americans and not see a hit in premiums. You did. Fox News didn't say you could throw in those with pre-existing conditions and not have to pay for it. You did. Fox News didn't all but say you could get something for nothing. You did. Fox News didn't come back years later and say, oh yea, we did raise some taxes. You did.

“Here's where you are right about Fox News, however, Mr. President. We can do math. And did. You cannot. And did not. We said it and proved it. You didn't. And we're all suffering for it. Take it from the numbers guy at Fox. Numbers don't lie. The number of Americans working part-time and nervous. The number of retirees days away from being dumped on exchanges and anxious. The number of company bosses with any news to pass along on those exchanges, but still clueless. The number of doctors who want out. The number of congressmen now opting out. No, Mr. President, none of those numbers lie.

“But with all due respect sir, I can only conclude you do know; I know, I know you hate us at Fox. But please take a look in a mirror, and fast. You think we're the skunk at your picnic. But that doesn't mean we're the ones that stink. Because that smell isn't coming from the folks reporting on your law. Mr. President, that smell is your law.”

Thursday, September 19, 2013

JOHN 3:16 MARKETING NETWORK GUESTPOST: Lorilyn Roberts Interviews James Scott Bell About Creating Steady Income Publishing your Own Books

I recently met James Scott Bell at a writer’s conference and share this interview with him about his indy book Self-Publishing Attack! The 5 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws for Creating Steady Income Publishing Your Own Books.

LORILYN ROBERTS:  You made the statement in your book Self-Publishing Attack! The 5 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws for Creating Steady Income Publishing Your Own Books, “And, you are going to face those who want to criticize you as having ‘taken the easy route’ without submitting your work to traditional publishers and agents for their concurrence that you have what it takes.”

I have found that many who are traditionally published are very judgmental and condemning of those who POD or self-publish, even to the point of not reviewing books by indy authors, not recognizing them as “real” authors, casting dispersions on their books sight unseen, and not promoting their books on blogs and websites. 

My philosophy has always been, “Does God really care how books are published?” We have a world full of souls that are literally going to hell if they don’t hear the truth of God’s Word. We have the opportunity to publish and spread a Christian worldview in a way never seen in history. God’s prophets wrote the Bible by hand on parchment and clay tablets and walls and papyrus. My question to you is, how can we change the consciousness of publishing, particularly in the Christian community, and embrace the idea of “one in the spirit” when it comes to marketing and publishing books?

JAMES SCOTT BELL:  I think it’s going to change on its own. The die is cast. We are in a new era and books will come in different forms, from the traditional side and the self-publishing side. Eventually, there will be no room for judging, except on the merits of a work. Which is how it should be.

LORILYN ROBERTS:  You made the statement in your book Self-Publishing Attack! The 5 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws for Creating Steady Income Publishing Your Own Books, “And you are free to write about any subject that interests you, that you think you can sell.” In the John 3:16 Marketing Network, we have lay authors writing on Biblical topics that are selling very well in ebooks. I used to think I would love to tackle some deeper subjects in the Bible, but I am not a pastor nor do I have a seminary degree or a scholarly platform. But it seems that ebooks allow anyone to write on anything that interests them and make money? Why do you think that is?

JAMES SCOTT BELL:  Well, to “make money” requires providing a product that has value. This is the way markets work. With self-publishing, that can be put to the test. For writers, it means putting out the best quality book possible (Law #2 in my book). And then repeating that, over and over.
A writer certainly ought to write what interests him, that’s where the passion is. But you should also expand your interests! Writing can be just as much about growth as it is making lettuce.

LORILYN ROBERTS:  I have found in the John 3:16 Marketing Network that the single most challenging issue for writers is technology – how to set up and manage Twitter and Facebook, how to create a landing page for book launches, how to resize jpegs and format files into ebooks, just to name a few.  Writers quickly get discouraged, daunted by the amount of time it takes to learn it all, not counting the actual process once you master the basics. Do you have any practical ideas on how to tackle the seemingly endless changing landscape of I.T. and balancing that with the creative side of writing?

JAMES SCOTT BELL:  The nice thing is that these functions can be farmed out at a reasonable price. Simply pay for those things you are not comfortable doing. Especially when it comes to editing, cover design and formatting. You can find an almost unlimited number of freelancers in each area. Get recommendations, check portfolios and client comments. Do a little homework.

LORILYN ROBERTS:  A follow up question to the previous one is this: I find it difficult to switch back and forth from marketing to writing. Once I am in one mode, I tend to get stuck there emotionally and mentally. Do you have anything you do to help you switch gears and maintain that sense of balance on a daily basis?

JAMES SCOTT BELL:  I put both my marketing and my writing on “automatic.” For my writing, I have a quota of words to complete each week. I break that down into days, and then I schedule my time. As for marketing, I make plans and then work the plan. This, again, can be scheduled.

Dedicate part of your week to studying marketing. Even if it’s just one hour. Read books and blogs and take notes. Eventually, you can put together a plan. I go into more detail about strategy in my book.

LORILYN ROBERTS:  You write both fiction and nonfiction. Do you have any thoughts on which sells better—if you are capable and enjoy writing both, which would you recommend a new author write to “break into the e-market”?

JAMES SCOTT BELL:  There is no rule here. Fiction and non-fiction can both sell, if done with excellence. Regarding non-fiction, I always start by recommending William Zinsser’s classic, On Writing Well. Study the heck out of that book before you write anything.
For fiction, I spend a lot of time teaching writers, including 2 day seminars. I have two more scheduled for this year.

LORILYN ROBERTS:  I took a peek at your ebook on Amazon, The Year of Eating Dangerously (Mallory Caine, Zombie at law) that you publish under the name K. Bennett. I couldn’t find a link to your name James Scott Bell anywhere. Why did you use a pen name for this series? It seems contradictory to use a pen name when you are trying to build a reputation and following as a writer. Would you recommend less well-known authors use a pen name for divergent content?

JAMES SCOTT BELL:  My agent and I decided to use a pen name simply to distinguish the content. In the books themselves the author bio states that K. Bennett is a pseudonym for James Scott Bell. This was for traditional, print-world purposes. I’m not sure a pen name is necessary in the digital world. You don’t have to worry about bookstore buyers and self space. But I like having the K. Bennett brand for paranormal. I will probably do other stories in that genre, and use this name for them.

LORILYN ROBERTS:  Under the heading “What About Paid Positioning,” I appreciate your comment: “Don’t go into debt.” One of the reasons I started the John 3:16 Marketing Network was I believed with the combined knowledge of many authors, we would be better informed and protected from expensive marketing techniques that produce few sales. Do you have any thoughts on how much an author should set aside to promote a newly published book?

JAMES SCOTT BELL:  Just use discretionary funds and be wise about it. In that section of my book I talk about what seems to work best, and most of the time it’s not something that you pay for. That’s the good news. The challenge is to write great books and gain attention. It can be done, but it takes time.

LORILYN ROBERTS: To be quite honest, you are on the cutting edge of thought in your book Self-Publishing Attack! The 5 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws for Creating Steady Income Publishing Your Own Books. Given what you have written, what would you tell a new writer to do—go the traditional route or indy and why?

JAMES SCOTT BELL:  It’s no longer either/or. I was just at ThrillerFest in New York, where I had the honor of being the first writer to have a self-published story up for the ITW award. There will be more of this.

And while I was there I met an author who has just signed a multiple book contract with a traditional house, after having his self-published novel come to the attention of an editor there.

The world is now the writer’s oyster. Follow the 5 Laws. The last one being to repeat the strategy I lay out, over and over, for the rest of your life. Why not? We’re writers. It’s what we’ll do until we drop.

LORILYN ROBERTS BOOK REVIEW: “The Power and the Glory,” by Graham Greene

I initially had a tough time getting into this book—couldn’t find anything to enjoy about it. I came to the conclusion about midway through The Power and the Glory that this wasn’t a book to be enjoyed. It was a book to ponder deeper meanings of faith, politics, humility, commitment, sin, and consequences.

The protagonist, the priest, who is never named, is the only priest left in a certain state of Mexico where priests have been outlawed. He has spent the last eight years running from the police to evade capture. He is an imperfect archetype of a savior/martyr, haunted by his past failures and yet still struggling to remain committed to the priesthood. 

The priest is a conflicted individual, but his character grows; at the beginning of the story he tries to escape on a boat, but at the conclusion, he goes back to the state where priests have all been shot. Knowing he will be caught and killed, he returns to hear the confessions of a dying murderer.

There were many characters in this book representing “types,” such as the antagonist, the lieutenant who hated the clergy; and the mestizo, a type of Judas. The many children represented hope, as poignantly shown in the final few pages when the young boy lets the priest into the house to hide him from the police. I most identified with the priest and his internal struggles. Greene did an excellent job of showing the priest’s outward struggle to avoid capture as well as his inner turmoil of sin and unrepentant spirit with reference to his illegitimate daughter. All the characters were real, deep, and memorable.

The takeaway from this book to help me be a better writer includes:

            1. Make every character in the book count for a purpose and a deeper meaning than just “another person” to fill up the pages.

            2. Include qualities even in the antagonist that make him a sympathetic character—the story will be more believable. No one is all good or all bad.

            3. Be willing to tackle a controversial position—a protagonist that is severely flawed and that falls short of the standard can still be redeemed, changed, and become a hero.

            4. Think of ways to use people or animals or locations to enhance symbolic meanings that grow the story. For instance, the priest’s fight with the dog over the bone; the references to the dentist’s equipment and working on teeth;  the numerous beetles bashing themselves against walls—symbolizing pain, the fight for survival, the baseness of human depravity, and loss of dignity.

            5. What you write will linger later in the mind of the reader—shine a light of hope; i.e., the priest who knocked on the door and was met by the young boy.

            6. Not all books are to be necessarily enjoyed, but perhaps serve a greater purpose. Do you want to only entertain, or are you willing to probe the deeper meaning of life and leave the reader with significant ideas to grapple with and ponder?




Friday, September 13, 2013

GUEST POST BY JOHN 3:16 NETWORK: “What’s in the Name of the Hebrew God?” Book Launch of “Four Given,” by Malo Bel

“I enjoyed his writing style! This book is a page turner and tells quite a beautiful story. I would definitely recommend it!” A. Kingsbury

The mystery of Godliness and life eternal are hidden in the most sacred place of all, in the holy letters that define God. A mystery so divine, so life-changing, so real it is embedded in the essence of every human being. A mystery that charts a divine path to God, a journey that once undertaken will bring you to a place called eternity.

Join me as I share my journey, as I am led by Him on His path. This is the mystery of Godliness and life eternal, and I never would have seen it had he not opened my eyes. Take the step of faith and your eyes will be opened to see inexpressible things. Take the step of faith and discover life eternal today. Take the step of faith and discover the beauty of this divine path hidden right before you. Take the step of faith and you will never be the same again. I did and that is why I must tell my story.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

GUEST POST BY PAMELA CARMICHAEL: Excerpt from Award-Winning Book “Financial Empowerment: Realign Your Finances to God’s Will”

Two Practices to Effectively Create Wealth
Work is a priority for God and should be so for us as well. If we want to achieve success, we need to embrace God’s perspective of work as our own. With this as a starting point, our goals should be to know and function by God’s working standards while creating wealth. Our attitude toward work and how we work are of equal importance to God. Therefore, we should be aware of His principles and practice them if we want to succeed in creating wealth.

Work Diligently
While growing up, my mum encouraged me to work hard. Today we are told to work smart, not hard; however, God’s Word encourages us to work diligently. We are expected to do the work and stick to it until it is completed; we should not consider giving up along the way. The book of Proverbs says much about being diligent and often draws a comparison between the hard worker and the lazy person.
Poverty is not a gift from God but the result of our actions. The actions of a lazy person will never lead to wealth. Lazy people are fearful of stepping out to do something and think their excuses are justifiable, yet they would rather relax or sleep than work. The lazy one never completes tasks; even feeding himself or herself proves to be a problem.

Success in creating wealth is linked to being a diligent person. The price we gain for being diligent workers is riches, while the price we pay for laziness is lack (Prov. 10:4).

To be diligent in our work is not only financially rewarding but also personally satisfying (Prov. 13:4). When we are diligent and do excellent work, our performance makes room for us (Prov. 22:29). We are promoted, our work speaks for us, and prominent people want us to work with them or for them.
While having a day job, my friend started a jewelry-making business. She was very diligent at promoting her business and creating excellent pieces. This diligent work paid off, and some of her pieces were present in major shows across the country. This exposure made her become well known and sought after.

Regardless of your social status, educational level, or skill set, God wants you to work diligently. If you desire to create wealth that provides more than enough for you and your household, you will require diligence. No dream becomes a reality without lots of diligent work (Eccl. 5:3). If you work diligently, you will be one who rules and enjoys great blessings in life. The wealth of those who are lazy will be transferred to those who are diligent (see parable of the minas, Luke 19:13–26; parable of the talents, Matt. 25:14–29). Promotion and financial increase come to those who are diligent workers.

Go the Extra Mile
In today’s society, some find that doing more than is required is unappealing. Many want to receive maximum reward for minimum effort. Some want to get all they can for as little effort as possible, but success cannot be achieved in wealth creation or in life without putting in extra time or effort. Jesus said in Matthew 5:41, “And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.” Jesus calls us to walk in the extra-mile mode or to go beyond the call of duty. As Christians, we do extra when we give up our personal rights sometimes and give away more than someone asks for.

With work, as with giving or lending, we should be extra generous. We should do what is expected—and then more. We need to remember that in whatever work we do, we first and foremost do it as unto the Lord. If our mind-sets are such that our work is for God, then going the extra mile shouldn’t be a problem.
So what is the extra mile? It could be working longer hours to finish a project on time. Maybe you do a task that is not normally part of your regular duties, or maybe the extra mile is helping a colleague with a challenging project. Whatever the extra mile may be for you, it will require more of your time, effort, energy, or expertise than usual.

I have gone the extra mile many times. On occasions I worked late hours to resolve issues so staff could start the next business day without delay. Other times I worked at home during evening hours to complete projects within specified timelines. Sometimes going the extra mile is necessary, and other times it is simply part of being who we are in Christ.

But what will be your benefit if you go the extra mile? I think the main benefit is that it glorifies your heavenly Father. Sure, you may receive a promotion, get a raise, or be acknowledged or appreciated for work well done, but no reward speaks louder than glorifying God. In the midst of giving glory to God because you do great work, going the extra mile opens the door for you as a witness of Christ.


Monday, September 9, 2013

LORILYN ROBERTS BOOK REVIEW: “Treasures of Darkness,” by Trish Jenkins: A Beacon of Light on a Dark Street Corner Near You

A Beacon of Light on a Dark Street Corner Near You

For anyone who wants an amazing book, you should read Trish Jenkins’ story, Treasures of Darkness. It’s a memoir about her prison journey – and to me, it seems allegorical about life. Matthew 24:12 says in the last days, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” In the end times, much of what Trish endured and experienced in prison will be the norm. We are headed there now, like a frog that is slowly brought to the boiling point unawares—the dysfunctionality of our country, the threat of war in the Middle East, and the compromise in morality on many fronts. 

When you think of anti-Christ – the opposite of Christ—in order to survive in prison, the guard and other inmates try to break you and convince you that you are no different from the others and your faith is the problem. They attempt to pit you against your convictions by flipping your world upside-down – seeing Trish throw her pearl (Jesus Christ) before swine was heartbreaking. What would I do if I found myself in a similar situation—would I have the courage of my convictions? Would I be willing to pray for those who wanted to hurt me?

I will let you read Treasures of Darkness to see what Trish’s story is about and how she landed in such a horrible place. Think of working for someone like Bernie Madoff unawares and getting in over your head – it could happen to any of us. Trish’s testimony and how God used her in the lives of her prison mates left a lasting impression on me—one of those books that will stick with me for life.

I am reminded of the words spoken by the 1600th-century evangelical preacher and martyr, John Bradford, “but for the grace of God, go I.” Would I be able to endure this trial and still love my Lord and Savior, not the same, but even more? You won’t see your relationship with God or the opportunity to be a shining beacon despite persecution or hardship in the same way after reading Treasures of Darkness.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

LORILYN ROBERTS BOOK REVIEW: “Getting Out of the Bed in the Morning,” by Author Alice J. Wisler

For those who'd rather stay in bed, put this book on your nightstand and read it. As a Christian sojourner, I have walked my own Via Dolorosa. I couldn't imagine during my lowest moments that anyone would understand my pain or sorrow. I would cry myself to bed at night poring over the Psalms, the only book of the Bible that I had the strength to read.

Getting Out of Bed in the Morning: Reflections of Comfort in Heartache will help anyone who loves deeply and grieves deeply. If your pain is so overwhelming that you are having difficulty coping, get this book. God won't abandon you, but having resources to help you through your sorrow can be healing and comforting. I wish I'd had this book to read. I found myself remembering - memories I had actually forgotten, which is a good thing, but without God's healing on my heart, I could have been stuck without experiencing God's power to overcome that pain.

Getting out of Bed in the Morning will help anyone who is struggling to get beyond the pain - anyone who wants to give up, or sees no reason to go on living. There can be nothing more painful than losing a child, and while I haven't experienced that, I have come close, walking a road where I wasn't sure of the outcome, and I have lost others in my life through death and divorce. Grief has no preferences for status, race, or gender - it visits all of us at some point. Getting Out of Bed in the Morning: Reflections of Comfort in Heartache will help you to transform your hopeless grief into grief that will bring healing.

I highly recommend Getting out of Bed in the Morning: Reflections of Comfort in Heartache to anyone who is suffering now, to anyone who might suffer in the future, or to anyone who has suffered in the past. Wherever you are on your own Via Dolorosa, you can be encouraged and reminded by Alice J. Wisler's Reflections of Comfort in Heartache that God is faithful, no matter what. Hearing it from someone who has walked that difficult road and loves God, even more, is a gift worth reading. 

Get your copy of Getting out of Bed in the Morning: Reflections of Comfort in Heartache here from Amazon: 

From Alice J. Wisler:

"For over twenty years, I've written for magazines and devotionals. Writing is what I love to do.

I also travel the country and teach Writing the Heartache Workshops at seminars and conferences. I'm a big advocate for writing through sorrow. I founded Daniel's House Publications after the death of my four-year-old son Daniel in 1997. Helping others cope with grief is important to me.

My days are spent writing novels, blogging (I have three blogs), reviewing books, writing for a variety of magazines and websites, crafting my two newsletters, and teaching grief-writing courses both online and at conferences.

My five published novels are: RAIN SONG, HOW SWEET IT IS, HATTERAS GIRL and A WEDDING INVITATION (all by Bethany House) and STILL LIFE IN SHADOWS (River North).

My devotional, GETTING OUT OF BED IN THE MORNING: Reflections of Comfort in Heartache(Leafwood Publishers), is my tribute to my son Daniel and in praise of a God who sustains us on our journey.

In addition, I've taught English as a Second Language in my birthplace of Japan, worked as a social worker, a cake decorator, and taught English in a refugee camp in the Philippines. I was an office manager at a non-profit for education and worked at a portrait studio.

Specialties: I can sing Go Hiromi's "Otoko to onnanoko" at any Karaoke event. I enjoy creating Asian dishes in my kitchen. Most of all, I enjoy conversations over cups of hot Earl Grey."

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

COOKBOOK EXCERPT: FOOD FOR THOUGHT: “How Do You Combine Tim Tebow and Crockpot Chili or Pigs in a Blanket and JRR Tolkien?”




Want to combine homeschooling and feed rice to the hungry? Visit After creating an account, your son (or daughter) can enjoy playing word games. Each time a child answers a question correctly, donations from generous website sponsors purchase ten grains of rice. This is a great way to end world hunger, improve your child’s vocabulary, and increase your child’s awareness and sensitivity to those who face starvation.



1 large onion
1 green pepper – chopped
1 cup frozen Italian meatballs, sliced
1 three-ounce package pepperoni – chopped
1 32-ounce jar spaghetti sauce
1 2 3/4-ounce  jar  mushrooms
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 12-ounce box Spaghetti noodles
Defrost meatballs, slice, and add onions, peppers, pepperoni, sauce and mushrooms. Simmer about 20 minutes. Cook noodles. Spray casserole pan with Pam. Layer spaghetti noodles first. Top with meat. Finish with cheese on top of meat. Bake at 350 degrees approximately 20 minutes.
“O taste and see that the Lord is good.” 
Psalm 34:8