Showing posts with label Devotionals from the Seventh Dimension - The Door. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devotionals from the Seventh Dimension - The Door. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2013

HOW FAR IS TOO FAR: Devotional from “Am I Okay, God?” by Lorilyn Roberts

From Seventh Dimension – The Door, a Young Adult Christian Fantasy

How Far Is Too Far?

“Word is out about you. I’d hate to see your splattered body sprawled out on the road. It would destroy your father’s reputation; cost him his job, and my inheritance—unless Judd gets it first. If I have my way that won’t happen. I need to protect you. From now on, you’ll stay where I can see you.”
“Judd gets what?”
She didn’t answer me.
I had no idea what she was talking about. So Judd convinced her I was a tramp though Daniel had never once been alone with me. Even in the cave, he always insisted the door be open—probably why Judd overheard too much.”


How far is too far when it comes to relationships between young men and women? What does the Bible say about purity?

In Seventh Dimension, the Door, Shale was falsely accused. The fact that she had never been alone with Daniel made her statement she had done nothing wrong more credible.

The Bible in II Timothy 2:22 says, “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”

The most precious gift you can give your future husband or wife on your wedding day is your virginity. I will speak more specifically here to young ladies. Make that gift even more special by not allowing yourself to be touched by a man—not even kissed before you marry him.

This is a high standard, but it can be done. I recently went to a wedding where the bride and groom shared their first kiss on their wedding day. I marveled that a young couple could have that much self‑control and remain pure until they married.

I recently told my younger daughter, and I have told her this many times, a simple expression that goes like this: clothes on, hands off. One night, however, I made a silly mistake and said, “Clothes off, hands on.” She gave me a wry smile, catching my mistake before I did. We both laughed, but she knew exactly what I meant.

Society will tell you it’s okay to kiss, touch, and do things that are contradictory to the teachings of the Bible. Don’t do it. When you become like the world and see love and sex through the eyes of Hollywood movies, tabloids, and gossip magazines, you are cheapened. You have bought into Satan’s lies that these perversions will make you happy. They won’t. You cheat yourself out of what God meant for good between a man and a woman after they become one through marriage. Besides, do you really want those images in your mind on your honeymoon? How would you like your to-be husband to think about other women he has intimately known when he has just wed you?

It is very difficult to keep yourself clean in a world that is inundated with sex and skin and beauty. I recently went on Twitter to find some categories for hash tags for my book. I looked up a common, everyday word and was presented with pornographic pictures of young girls. I was shocked.

If you are normal, you will find these temptations difficult to resist. You are curious, you have hormones, and you are human. But every time you give in to those temptations, the lust of the flesh, you are cheapening your view of something beautiful. God made sex as something to be shared between a husband and a wife.

Your preoccupation before marriage with lustful thoughts will affect your relationship with the opposite sex. Pornographic images from the web or pictures from magazines will become imprinted in your mind. You will remember them at inappropriate times. The best way to avoid the temptation is not to allow yourself to be tempted. The Bible says in I Timothy 6:11, “But you, man of God, flee from all of this, and pursue righteousness…”

Daniel showed great respect for Shale. By opening the door so as not to be alone with her, Daniel respected her. He did not want to put himself into a compromising position with her, that there could ever be rumors spread about their relationship.

Some day you will probably meet a young man if you’re a young lady, or if you’re a young man, you’ll meet a girl to whom you are attracted. If that significant other tells you things like, “If you love me, you will do this,” or some other ridiculous statement, have the guts to say “No.” Don’t compromise. Believe in yourself, your value, and your self-worth.

Let me tell you something else. You might be tempted because you want it. Sin doesn’t feel bad, it doesn’t look horrid, and Satan won’t show up with pointed ears and a pitchfork in the car if you are “parking,” or lounge beside you on the sofa with your date. Unless you have blue blood, you will enjoy romantic relationships. That is normal. Wanting to engage in sexual activity it is not what gets you into trouble. Compromising is.

What greater gift can you give your future husband or wife than to be able to tell him or her that you have never shared yourself with anyone else? You have not kissed, you have not fondled, you have not slept, and you have not revealed your unclothed body to someone you have previously dated. Once you have given away that first kiss, you can’t get it back. It’s gone. Once a man has touched you, you have given away that part of your body. And once you have had intercourse, you are no longer a virgin.

I advise young men and women when they are dating not to even kiss. Once the juices start flowing, it’s difficult to turn off the passion. Avoid the situation in the first place. What Hollywood presents is a sordid picture of reality. I cringe when I see those glamorous pictures of movie stars plastered on the covers of gossip magazines and newspapers—in my heart, I believe them to be the most miserable people on the planet.

Perhaps the saddest tale is that of Lindsay Lohan. What a beautiful, young, talented girl she was in the Disney movie The Parent Trap fifteen years ago. I wondered how long it would be before she posed for a girlie magazine. She is the epitome of someone who had so much to gain and so much to lose. With great talent comes great responsibility and temptation to misuse it. What a waste.

On the other hand, I look at a young man, Tim Tebow, who has used his fame as a way to share his faith. I have watched him from the sidelines for many years because I live in Gainesville, Florida. He was the star quarterback for the Gators, a Heisman Trophy winner, and took the University of Florida football team to the national championship. He was drafted into the NFL and played a couple of seasons for the Denver Broncos and then a year for the New York Jets before being released on waivers. He was on his way to becoming a distant memory until he was picked up by the New England Patriots. What will people remember him for?  

With great faith and opportunity to share in the public arena comes great controversy. People have hated Tebow for no good reason except that he is a Christian. Others have looked for opportunities to destroy him. I doubt that history will paint him as a spectacular football player, but there is no doubt in my mind he will take the accolades of his Lord and Savior in heaven over any applause on a football field full of cheering crowds and sports pundits. Any six foot four athlete who openly admits he is a virgin and touches the lives of cancer-stricken children in the hospital is a hero in my book. He financially supports a foundation to help orphans in the Philippines where his family once served as missionaries.

I have no idea what else he does, but I know he is not covering the pages of those gossip magazines with unseemly stories. If he was living that kind of life, the whole world would know about it. Satan is alive and well, seeking to devour those who give in to the temptations of the flesh. Tim Tebow’s road has not been easy. He has been scoffed and ridiculed, but through it all, as of this writing, he has walked the straight and narrow path of his convictions.

My point is this:  You can do it. You can be like Tim Tebow or you can be like Lindsay Lohan, or somewhere in between. Be careful, however, about the “somewhere in between.” God doesn’t have good things to say about lukewarm people. In Revelation 3:16, Jesus said, “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

You must be sold-out to Jesus Christ. You will not have the strength and endurance to overcome the temptations that your sinful nature will crave if you don’t. Satan and his demons are relentless. You can’t win this battle without becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. Being a fan of Jesus Christ is not sufficient. You will lose every single time. My mother used to say, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Good intentions aren’t good enough. You need the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you to win the battle of sex and purity.

If you have messed up in this area, there is healing. There is forgiveness, there is redemption, and there is restoration; but there is also pain that comes with all of that work to fix things. Fortunately God is in the business of healing broken lives and offers forgiveness. But He doesn’t always remove the consequences of our poor choices. If you get a veneral disease, you will suffer. Those sores hurt. Herpes is ugly. Aids kills. What about if you get pregnant?

Do you want to put yourself in that situation? Do you want to have to explain to your future husband or wife about your sins from the past?

I Corinthians 10:30 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

That brings me comfort, knowing that there is nothing that Satan and his demons can send my way that God won’t provide a way of escape. Do everything you can to flee from evil. Don’t go to those internet sites. Don’t tempt yourself. Don’t put yourself into a compromising situation that you might regret later.

Remember, God loves you. You are His. Keep yourself pure for your future husband, and, above all, for yourself. Stolen fruit may taste good for the moment, but later, it leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Someone once said to me, “A moment of pleasure is not worth a lifetime of regret.” That person should have heeded his own advice. It was my ex-husband who told me that before he got his girlfriend pregnant—eight years into our marriage. His foolish mistake shattered me and destroyed our marriage.

Your sin in this area won’t just affect you. It will affect others—often tragically. Walk away—actually, flee. Get out of there. Ask yourself, what would Jesus want me to do in this situation? And then do it.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

WHO MADE YOU AFRAID: Devotional from ”Am I Okay, God?” by Lorilyn Roberts

Are you afraid are rejection? Are you afraid your boyfriend will leave you? Are you afraid you will let your parents down? Are you afraid that no matter how hard you try, you’re going to fail anyway? Are you afraid of being bullied at school? Are you afraid you won’t pass that Algebra test—God just didn’t wire you to do math?

Are you afraid you’ll say the wrong thing at that party and make a fool of yourself? Are you afraid of losing your friends? Are you afraid that you’ll never finish school, or you won’t get accepted into the university you want to attend? Are you afraid for others to know you deep down, that if people knew the real you, they wouldn’t like you?

From Seventh Dimension – The Door, a Young Adult Christian Fantasy

The dog stretched and cocked her head enjoying the rubdown.
I laughed. “Is your name Much-Afraid?”
“I was always afraid until the King healed me.”

In The Donkey and the King, Much‑Afraid was terrified for Baruch to leave her behind at the stable. During the time while Baruch was gone, the King helped Much-Afraid to conquer her fear. When we meet Much‑Afraid again in Seventh Dimension - The Door, she has overcome her fear. God could then use her to help Shale.

I John 4:18 states, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.”

Do you know that the opposite of fear is love? Shale, too, had many fears until she embraced the King’s love. Every time you are afraid, that means you are not allowing God’s perfect love into your heart. God’s perfect love will cast out your imperfect fear. In fact, your imperfect fear is made perfect in weakness. In your weakness, God can help you. Once you recognize your weakness, you won’t rely on yourself and your own abilities. You will rely on God to help you.

Begin with prayer. Most of us struggle with fear at some level because we don’t love perfectly. We aren’t able to receive God’s love fully because we are sinners. Still, God never gives us more than we can bear. Just as the King helped Shale to overcome her fear of rejection, God will help you to overcome your fears, whatever they might be. Pray to your heavenly Father, cry out to Him—He won’t reject you, even if it seems like everybody else who is important to you has. 

The King told Shale, “I love you more than you will ever know.” In the same way, God loves you. Someday when we meet the King face‑to‑face, we’ll truly know how much He loves us.

Every time fear threatens you (and I do believe there are demons of fear), remember the words of the King. Let His perfect love fill your mind and your heart. Let every cell within you find intimacy in your heavenly Father. Find all your strength in Him. Don’t just be a fan of Jesus Christ, like on Facebook or Twitter, be a follower. Make Jesus your King of kings and Lord of lords. Let His love conquer any fear that creeps into your heart. Then you will be able to love others in the same way God has loved you.

Again, focus on the King’s love. Believe. Your heavenly Father is waiting on you to surrender to Him. He is never too busy, and I guarantee you, He is not sleeping. Imagine touching Jesus’ scars with your hands.  Remember, the King died to defeat every fear Satan will tempt you to believe. Don’t be seized with a knot in your stomach and crippling doubts.

Let God’s love indwell you. Put aside every anxious thought. You must choose to trust in the King. There is no other way. Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Don’t wait. Begin with reading Scripture and pray for God’s help. Take captive every fearful thought, and give it to Jesus Christ. Meditate on God’s Word. If you do this every time you become fearful, you can claim victory over this in your life, but it will take time, especially if you are prone to being fearful. Old habits die hard, and Satan is relentless. But God will help if you are faithful in prayer and read your Bible.