Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts

Friday, May 13, 2022

I FEE LIKE A STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND: Christian Blogger Lorilyn Roberts

Someone sent me the video below by award-winning author Andrew Claven. His words so encouraged me I wanted to share them and add some of my own insights.


While hard to admit, recently, I’ve found it difficult to blog. The world is so upside-down; where do you even start? And when your own “creative works for the Lord” become the target of removal from the web, you begin to wonder, what difference can I make?

YouTube struck down my video of my trip to Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, claiming copyright infringement. Of course, we know that was a cover-up for the real reason—censorship. My video didn’t comport with what the Washington bureaucracy wanted the public to believe happened on that day. 

Almost a year and a half later, the only acceptable narrative is that Trump supporters caused an insurrection on Capitol Hill.

I shot the raw footage myself, except for a tiny clip my friend who accompanied me gave me. I edited nothing. I made no narration and used one Bible quote from Isaiah 5:20 (NIV): “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

I’ve included the link to that video from the social platform Rumble for anybody who wishes to watch it. 

CLICK ON THIS LINK: Lorilyn Roberts' video from January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill

I wrote a reply to YouTube (they never responded), explaining that I created the video as a first-hand account of what I saw and witnessed that day for historical purposes. I’ve never made a cent from any videos I’ve uploaded to YouTube, and my subscribers, the last time I checked, are less than a hundred. But YouTube felt the need to take it down. Why?

There are days I struggle not to be down about the world’s affairs. I used to love to caption news as I felt that my skills to write the spoken word glorified God. I could help the deaf or hard of hearing know what was happening in real-time as if they could hear it being spoken. I spent decades developing and perfecting the skill. Thousands of briefs live in my head to help me write at the extraordinary speed necessary to caption live words said by reporters in as little time as possible.

Then Covid hit. I’ll spare you the details. But the news changed. No longer was it news—it was one narrative from every news station—almost verbatim, whether I was captioning local news out of California, Connecticut, or New Mexico.

That was disturbing because that meant every local news outlet was getting their information from the same source. I questioned—is this free press? What about those people who disagree?

In the middle of that, the election and suppression of information questioning the outcome took the nation by storm. The absolute “word” on the news beat was Biden had won, and anything to the contrary was an inaccurate conspiracy theory, or Trump supporters suffering from derangement syndrome.

Then the vaccine became available, and the push was to get every living human vaccinated. They probably would have advocated vaccinating dead people if they thought they could get money. Seriously, I’ve never seen such over-the-top, in-your-face propaganda in my long life (and I can say that now). I’d say it’s unprecedented in American history. I’ll just say one thing about that: It was never about vaccines.

The turning point in all of this for me was personal. One evening I was captioning a segment about vaccines, and the reporter said more than once that the vaccine was safe for pregnant women. As I was writing these words being read by hundreds of thousands of people in real-time, I knew what I was writing was a lie.

Whether the vaccine is safe for anybody is open to question. But the vaccine was never tested on pregnant women. So how can you even make such a statement?

I thought about the six million Jews and the two hundred million others whom Adolph Hitler murdered in concentration camps and gas chambers. Hitler didn’t personally kill all those people. He had followers who did it for him—who carried out his orders without question, forced the Jews into the gas chambers, took their belongings, and killed them. Where was their conscience? 

They must have known what they were doing was wrong. How can you kill someone who has committed no crime and not have that guilt convict you?

Romans 1:28 (NASB) states: “God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.”

God pricked my conscience, “You are writing words that you know aren’t true. You are spreading lies, using the gift of writing that I’ve given you in a way that does not glorify Me.”

I never understood the power of evil—until now. How easy it is to say, “I was just doing my job.” You fill in the blank. My job of providing closed captioning was now requiring me to write lies. Was I going to keep doing this? If so, how was I any different from a Nazi?

Once God convicted me, I couldn’t do it anymore. I quit writing local news. Someday I will stand before God and account for every word I’ve uttered and every word I’ve written. I asked God to forgive me.

However, I thought it would be okay to write conservative national news. So, I volunteered for several hours of Fox News—Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, shows of that ilk. I captioned one hour of Tucker Carlson, and my modem broke. Then programming mysteriously disappeared from my schedule. I questioned the schedulers, and no one knew where those shows went or why they removed them.

Shortly after that, I was reminded of something that I’d forgotten. On election night, I was captioning election results for a California local station, and I had Fox News on to monitor the national front. If you’ve forgotten, Fox News was the first station to call several key states for Biden when it made no sense. They led the way in announcing the shutdown of counting returns. I knew this had never happened before because this was the fourth presidential election I had captioned. I sensed something nefarious in the works.

After that strange set of events, I concluded God didn’t want me to caption news. The truth is all the traditional American news outlets are different “legs” or “arms” of the same corrupt news organization(s).

There is a burden that goes with knowing the truth. I am reminded of the passage from Matthew 11:30 where Jesus said: “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Jesus does not give us burdens we can’t bear. But I feel like a stranger now in this world where truth is so elusive and where many who I thought were Christians might be tares and not wheat.

We are living in the last days. What did we think these days would look like? A walk in the park? Anyone who says we can bring in the millennium without Jesus might as well believe in the New World Order. What’s the difference? 

I’m pointing this out because the subtlety of error in interpretation is demonic. 

Looking at eschatology in the Bible only through the lens of symbolism requires one to throw out most of the book of Isaiah (many chapters are devoted to the Millennial Kingdom with Jesus Christ reigning from Jerusalem) and the book of Revelation (prophetic).

What does God require of us? Micah 6:8 (NIV) states: “He has shown you, O Mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

God knows we are but mortals. We are blessed to see the beginning of the birth pangs harkening His return. If we do the things He has gifted us to do, we need to occupy until His return.

What has God called you to do? You are here for a purpose. Do that purpose.

Despite social media attempting to silence me, I will keep writing. I will keep speaking the truth. Even though the world’s burdens are immense, God has called me to carry His light burden. I will share the Gospel when it’s easy and when it isn’t.

God needs all of us to be a light, no matter how big or small. In the unity of Christ, we can shine brightly among a world of lost souls (John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”).

I hope you will take the time to listen to Andrew Claven’s words in the video. Inspiration can go a long way toward reviving a weary soul, encouraging those circumcised hearts in Christ to keep on keeping on.


Be blessed.



















Thursday, February 17, 2022

HITLER AND COVID-19 - THE PARALLELS ARE STARTLING: Christian Blogger Lorilyn Roberts

Mel K & Dr. Bryan Ardis on the Global Medical Killing Fields and Crimes Against Humanity

Complete Story of Hitler and the Nazis

When I was in high school and learned about the holocaust, I asked myself, how could someone as evil as Hitler rise to power and do what he did, and how could the masses let him do it? 

Last weekend, I went to visit my family in Atlanta. My sister’s husband had the T.V. on, and it was airing the above show, The Complete Story of Hitler and the Nazis. I was drawn into the docudrama and couldn’t believe the parallels to what’s happened over the last two years from the onslaught of Covid-19. 

Some of the parallels include the following:


1. How quickly Germany changed once Hitler came to power. Look at how almost overnight our world changed with Covid-19. 

2. Eugenics. Hitler wanted to make the German race completely pure by eliminating those who were frail, of “inferior” lineage, Jewish, old and infirmed and physically/mentally/emotionally challenged. That is what we’ve seen with Covid-19. Watch the video up above with Mel K and Dr. Ardis if you don’t believe me.

3. The hypnotic power Hitler had over the nation. Trusting people were deceived by his charisma, authoritative persona, and sweeping agenda. In America, everything Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and NIH recommended was followed without question, without discussion, and without exception. 

Not just ordinary people (who may have had justification if their only source of information was the biased media), but so did doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospitals, and almost every medical establishment in America. Whatever Fauci said was what everyone believed to be true. Few people spoke out against the medical tyranny, and if they did, they were censored and annihilated in one form or another. 

4. Hitler took away the rights of the people. During Covid, governments worldwide seized control over their citizens, forcing them to live subhuman lives—wearing masks, limiting travel, living in isolation, and in some instances tracking those exposed to Covid.

5. Hitler shut down churches and dismantled Christian institutions, encouraging the worship of him and his Nazi party. Heil Hitler was a form of worship and idolatry. During Covid, all over the world, churches were shuttered. Some have still not opened. 

6. Hitler abolished freedom of speech. Today, if you criticize the U.S. government, you are branded a domestic terrorist.

7. Millions died because of Hitler’s actions. In America, almost one million people have died from Covid, mainly due to the actions of those in the medical complex; i.e., doctors prescribing Remdesivir, a killer drug, and denying inexpensive, safe drugs like hydrochlorothiazide and Ivermectin. If you don’t believe me, watch the video above with Mel K and Dr. Ardis.

8. Hitler divided the masses between the Aryan race and the “deplorables.”  Does that remind you of Hillary Clinton calling Trump supporters “deplorables"?

Division is the name of the game—black versus white, vaxxed versus unvaxxed, compliant versus non-compliant, red states versus blue states, Democrats versus Republicans, liberal versus conservative. And gender dysphoria. People want to be something they aren’t. 

9. Hitler wanted power. We have global elitists in Washington and all over the world who want to take away people's ability to be free, including homeownership, and make them subservient to a few. Remember the motto from the World Economic Forum: “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”

10. Hitler’s maniacal vision led to World War II, causing the deaths of almost eighty million people. If history is cyclical, which we know that it is, chances are we will be facing World War III within the next three years.

11. Because there was so much occultism behind Hitler’s rise to power, I will end on number 11 here to make the point. There is a hidden agenda behind this Covid “plandemic." The word for "pharma" in the Bible is sorcery. The second half of Revelation 18:23 states: For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all the nations deceived (KJV). 

I would encourage everyone reading this blog post to please watch the video with Mel K and Dr. Ardis up above, as well as the videos I’ve linked to on Amazon Prime. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4: Take heed that no man deceive you (KJV). 

The only way not to be deceived is to know the Bible, pray, and be aware of what’s happening in the world in light of Biblical prophecy. Perhaps if the German people had done these things, they would have had the power of the Holy Spirit within them to rise up against Hitler and stop his madness. 

What can you do in your corner of the world to make a difference? Ask God. And He will show you. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018


Recently on Facebook, one of my author friends posted a link to this article: The title is, “What My Escape from Hitler's Germany Taught Me About Trump's America.”

The title is provocative and drew me in to read it. But as I read it, I realized the writer was so influenced by the liberal media that it wasn’t even accurate. I couldn't leave a comment without a paid subscription. Here are my thoughts:

Last week during the Kavanaugh hearings for U.S. Supreme Court Justice, protestors wreaked havoc during the proceedings. I captioned it on C-Span, and it was obvious it was staged. The next day, I saw a video that showed that those protestors were paid to agitate by liberal-leaning leftists like Soros. The exchange of money was caught on video.

Before World War II, the media controlled the Hitler propaganda, just like the media controls the information that goes out over the U.S. airwaves. They get their marching orders from about five corporations that control over ninety percent of the news outlets in the U.S. They slant it to appear the way they want, which is, for one thing among many, advocating for open borders (the refugee crisis). Open borders take away nationalism because of the merging of boundaries, and taking away our guns makes it easier for those who have guns to control those who don’t.

Trying to make comparisons of Trump to Hitler is ridiculous. Hitler served time in prison; he was heavily influenced and mentored by occultists. He was a racist to the core. Hitler had not accomplished anything with his life except being a criminal before he ran for office.

Just because someone is a nationalist does not make him a Hitler. Quite to the contrary, it’s important that people consider themselves American if they want to live here. That’s what binds us together as a country: Our values, our language, our culture, our history, and our freedoms. We are Americans first. Certainly, you wouldn't call Gandhi a Hitler, and he was a nationalist. 

Hitler was a fascist (communist by a different name). Trump is not. Remember, the Bible says the anti-Christ will be a world leader. He will come to power by intrigue. That's what globalization is about, among many things—the centralization of power and forming a one-world government.

For example, you can trace the origins of the U.N. back to a desire for a one-world government. Global warming is a globalist agenda, and you have to buy into their version of the truth to believe it is a problem. Perhaps it’s part of the end-time deception. One thing I do know: God controls the weather, not man.

In addition, Hitler’s solution was to gas people that didn’t fit his white Aryan race prototype. Trump is pro-life. All life, including the baby in the womb.

Trump is not anti-Semitic. He is behind Israel more than any other U.S President. That means he is behind the Jews. I thank God that Trump is accomplishing things other presidents didn’t have the guts to do. We didn’t vote a saint into office. We voted for someone that wouldn't kowtow to people like Kim Jong-Il and Putin and Iran. 

There are many issues we face as a country, but what the President does in his private life, if it’s not illegal, shouldn’t be on the front-page headlines. If Trump wants to have sex with someone that isn’t his wife, that's between him, his wife, and God. I don’t care what he does in his own bedroom, and I sure don’t want to hear about it day after day after day.

I do care about what he does for my country. Maybe those “hot” topics should be relegated to the tabloids for those who don’t have anything better to do than reading gossip. The media has become like a “used car salesman with no ethics” and insulted American intelligence. Unfortunately, I have to caption all that mudslinging. Oh, how the media has changed since I first started captioning twenty years ago. 

On the Palestinean issue, those people aren’t refugees. That’s a complete misnomer. That would be like saying people that moved here from Vietnam because of the Vietnam War are refugees. Those people have settled in and become part of the American fabric. And that was back in the 1970s that they came, not the 1940s. Israel defeated all those Islamic countries in battle. They fought and won. The land is theirs. They paid in blood for it. In addition, the last time I read my Bible, it says God gave that land to them.

Do I need to keep going? Don’t buy into the lies the media is spreading. If you want to make comparisons to Nazi Germany, the one worth making is the media. Think Huxley's “1984.” 

The writer of this piece is drawing incorrect parallelisms. It is good, though, to remember. It’s always good to remember what happened. We must remember what happened or else the young people will believe it never happened. 

Yes, there are far-right extremists, but they aren’t the problem. Just like “1984,” the media is skewing the truth. If we aren’t careful, soon they will have us believe two plus three equals four.

Last night I captioned former V.P. Joe Biden’s remarks on C-span addressing the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner at the Washington Convention Center. He brought up the Kavanaugh hearing, and it was obvious to me that it comes down to one thing: Roe v. Wade. It comes down to protecting the life of the baby in the womb. 

In the bigger picture, I truly believe we will be held accountable for where we stand on this issue when we face God. God is big and unknowable, but He judges us in a way that demands we make a choice. That way, we have no excuse.

I also think nations will be judged in two ways, among many, but these two ways in particular:  How they treated the innocent (the baby in the womb), and how they treated Israel.  While Trump has many flaws, on these two important topics, we know where he stands.

Again, we will be judged both as a nation and individually. The media will be long gone when we stand before God and give an accounting for the choices we made. What are you going to tell God? Read the Bible and pray for our country. I am haunted by the sixty million abortions that have been performed in America and the countless deaths of innocent children in the womb in other countries that followed us and legalized abortion.

If we have a nuclear exchange, will sixty million of our soldiers die? I don’t know, but I do know that God is just. We can ask God’s forgiveness and pray that Roe v. Wade is overturned. That will only be possible if we have somebody like Kavanaugh elected to be the next Supreme Court Justice. James 5:16 says: “The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much.” 

One more quick comment: Just as God hardened Potiphar’s heart when he refused to let the Israelites leave Egypt, the choices you make today may be the last chance you have to make those choices. In other words, once you choose, God might harden your heart to where you no longer have a choice. Another way of saying it is that Satan will have his way because that’s what you chose when the choice was yours to make. There comes a time when that ability to choose can be taken.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, pray for America, pray for the unborn, and pray for God’s salvation. Invest every minute living out your faith at work, at home, and with others. Live like you have no tomorrow.

You can read more of Lorilyn Roberts’ blogposts at