Monday, May 23, 2011

BOOK MARKETING: ”What It Takes to Have a Winning Team,” by Lorilyn Roberts

Everyone knows who Lebron James is—at least they should know. Many consider him the best basketball player currently playing the game. He can do it all—shoot from the perimeter, make free throws from the foul line, dunk the ball with great charisma, pass it through arms and legs, muscle his way through guards, and practically defy the laws of probability on a good night.

He didn’t just start doing that. He’s been doing it since he was young. In fact, he entered the NBA at eighteen, right out of high school, bypassing a college career completely.

I remember the naysayers—he’s not good enough, he’s not old enough, he doesn’t have enough experience, in the NBA he will have lots more competition, he’s not that good. I remember all those comments because I wrote them. I do closed-captioning for television, and commentators love to beat up on famous people. Actually, maybe it’s not so much beating up on people, but I cringe at times when I hear what ruthless so-called experts say, thinking how I would feel if they were saying that about me.

Marketing is really a game. It’s a big game made up of players, managers, owners, referees, commentators, and the “crowds” that watch, whether it’s in a stadium, in the galley, in the stands, or in a gymnasium. Somewhere everybody fits. Those that don’t enjoy sports, well, I guess you just miss the game.

But let’s pretend you are a sports fan even if you aren’t. I use Lebron James as an example because he is a marvelously successful basketball player. He has done it all—except one thing that he wants more than anything else. He wants to win an NBA championship.

Why hasn’t he done that yet?  After all, he’s been a professional basketball player now for years. Were all the naysayers right? 

Even the best basketball player in the world can’t win a championship all on his own shoulders. When Lebron James was with the Cleveland Cavaliers, he tried. He did everything in his power to make it happen. He came close, but in the end he failed.

As I am writing this, the Miami Heat is playing the Chicago Bulls for a bid at the championship. I don’t know who will win—I am pulling for Miami for Lebron’s sake, even though I really like Joakim Noah for the Bulls (He showed up at my daughter’s nine-year-old birthday party and surprised us all.
Games are not meant in large part to be solitary sports (except for a few like tennis). To win, it takes cooperation, commitment, hard work, perseverance, and team participation by everyone.

I have captioned hundreds of games in various sports, and afterwards, the reporter usually interviews the most valuable player and the coach. He will also interview the losing coach and one of the best-losing players if time permits. It’s always interesting to hear what each coach says, and I especially love to hear the players’ thoughts.

After the game, all the reporters from the various sports news agencies will gather in a press room, and the star players and coaches will sit at a long table. The press conference often includes a bunch of “stupid” questions. Usually, with grace, the players and coaches will endure the battery, probably remembering that paycheck (in the pros), and those in college get a taste of the limelight.

But for those teams who are successful, it goes so much deeper than that final winning shot. It goes back to hours of practice and sacrifice; learning to play together as a team, the quirks of fellow teammates, what makes them tick and what ticks them off; and encouraging each other on how to make the other person’s game better. It’s about “dying to self” and embracing the concept deep down that it’s not “all about me.” And sometimes you have those phenomenal athletes like Tim Tebow who openly give the glory to God for their success.

How does this tie into the John 3:16 Marketing Network? Each author who has joined the network will admit to the dream of wanting to be a best-selling author. And in the John 3:16 Marketing Network, this is achievable for an unknown author in subcategories. It has happened on Amazon several times in the eight months we have been in existence.

But I want to remind the reader that the ultimate goal of the network is to bring glory to God through promoting a Christian worldview in the best-seller categories on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or the New York Times. If we remember the ultimate goal is to glorify God, we can have a “winning team.”

That means we rejoice when someone else wins an award, snags a contract, receives a glowing review, or achieves something for the first time he or she never thought possible. We die to ourselves, not wishing it was us instead. God has a path for each one of us.

As a Body of Authors, we can help each other to achieve success on whatever path God sets before us. For some, that might mean selling only a few hundred books. For others, that might mean selling thousands. The outcome is not ours to control. We unselfishly commit our way to being part of a winning team, not counting the costs in personal sacrifice, but the ultimate cost of winning souls. That is the real game in Christian marketing.

It’s not always the outcome that matters, but the process through which we achieve it. If we focus on the outcome and disregard relationships as we strive for that elusive finish line, we probably won’t succeed. It’s just too hard. Winners have learned they need others’ help to succeed. This is the philosophy behind the John 3:16 Network.

Recently, an author complained to me, “I feel like I have given out so much and gotten so little in return.” She cited some examples and I could relate to her sentiments about being slighted. We have all experienced it. None of us are immune because it’s not in our nature to ignore the hurtful things people do to us—even when it’s unintentional.
My email back to her was this:

God will return tenfold what you give out if you don’t keep score. He doesn’t forget. Think about all the people who have helped you and you weren’t in a position to return the favor.
Believe me, you will receive it back in miraculous ways, and it’s always better than what you expected, perhaps from a different source. But you need to have a short memory to allow God to have a long one.

The John 3:16 Marketing Network is about a lot more than selling books. It’s about being a winner - dying to self, caring about others, and encouraging each other in the journey. With the right attitude and the gifts God has given us, I have no doubt that many in the John 3:16 Marketing Network will achieve great success as far as book sales.

But there are also other kinds of success not measured in dollars and cents—in relationships, networking, and gaining knowledge and skills.

I don’t want to walk away from the marketing game because it’s too hard. I don’t want to sit in the stands watching others sell their books while I languish because I don’t know how. I don’t want to be stuck on the bench because I am injured—whether it’s my hurt feelings or pride that has tainted my attitude and made me selfish. And I don’t want to be a commentator finding fault with everything someone else has done wrong. I don’t want to be a referee—I just want to play. And those commentators out there—I can hear it from the naysayers. They probably think I am just a little crazy. Well, guess what? My kids would probably agree with you (but they love me anyway).  

Here we are all winners. We have taken that first step in successful marketing—networking. 

Author’s Note: Although the John 3:16 Marketing Network is no longer active, the steps we took and the strategies we implemented still apply today in 2022. Create your own networking with other like-minded authors, help each other on book launches, and you can achieve great things; but remember, it is God who we serve. Give Him all the glory for your success and learn from your mistakes. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Happy Marketing!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

BOOK MARKETING: “What is a Book Launch Anyway—and Slowly, Please, I Am New at All of This,” by Lorilyn Roberts

A few years ago at the Florida Christian Writers Conference, I took Randy Ingermanson’s marketing class. If you ever have an opportunity to do so, take advantage of it because he is thorough, honest, and entertaining. Now that’s not something you can say about most physicists! At the time he was working on one of his many books and made the comment that his goal was to hit number one on Amazon when it was released.

Of course, being the newbie that I was, I didn’t know exactly what he meant, but it sure sounded impressive. I had no idea how one would even begin to accomplish such a feat.

I have found many authors are pretty much like me when I took that marketing class. And while they may be on Facebook, they don’t know how to use it very well (or how to make a fan page). Most groan when you mention Twitter, struggle with uploading a .jpeg, don’t know how to resize one (you’ve seen those monstrosities that take up a whole blog page), don’t know how to use widgets—the first time I heard the word, I thought it was a wizard—or make a video, use an URL shortener, or follow someone’s blog (where is the button), or the importance of even having followers.

Authors know how to do one thing—they know how to write. That is what they are passionate about. I would also rather write than do marketing. I would pay someone to do it—except I am too poor. But I don’t want to take my baby (my book) that I gave birth to and present it to another writer’s conference and have no one look at it.

When an agent and an editor told me to “Come back and see me when you have a thousand on your opt-in list (I had twenty-six at the time), my thought was, you just wait. I was challenged to do something that two people at the conference made me feel like I couldn’t do, and I wanted to prove them wrong.

I set about doing all the things writers do to begin marketing when they don’t know what they are doing—except I had just taken Randy’s marketing class, which ran for four days, and I learned A LOT.

And then the reality set in. Have you ever tried to get a thousand followers on an email opt-in list? Even though it’s easier now than before with the growth of Facebook and Twitter, it still takes time and effort.

Recently I went into the hospital to have an outpatient procedure done (one of those rites of passage when you turn fifty). The pre-op stuff was a lot less fun than the actual procedure itself, but unless I did the pre-op, the doctor wouldn’t have been able to see what he was looking for. It’s the same with a book launch. You must do all the steps I have talked about up to this point in order to have a successful launch.

One of my goals with the John 3:16 Marketing Network has been to help authors who come into the network who can’t do the above things. I am surprised at the number of authors who join who are still using a 54K dial-up modem. An author will be at a huge disadvantage if she doesn’t upgrade to something faster. I can’t imagine being handicapped to that degree and being successful at marketing, though anything is possible. But I would recommend a person have a cable modem or a fast connection, much faster than dial-up.

I was told when I took a class, “How to Launch a Best-Seller,” that people would be more than willing to help. That has not been true for me. Most people never respond to my emails unless they know me personally. Getting reviews is not always easy (many don’t know how when you ask them or are too intimidated to post anything on Amazon). Getting someone to read my book is hard (authors who like to read books and write reviews are already overcommitted, including myself). I have sent several copies of my book to people and never heard back from them. Sometimes I think those are the books that show up later on Amazon for a bargain price that you don’t get a cut of. I found it to be a lot harder to get partners than I ever thought it would be.

That is when the idea of the John 3:16 Marketing Network was born. If we had authors who were willing to come together and help each other, who understood the process and cared about others in the network, it would be a dream come true not only for me but for others as well. There are far too many authors like me with good books waiting to be read and no way to effectively market them.

Out of my need for a way, God laid it on my heart to form the John 3:16 Marketing Network for Christian authors. I thought about what impact we could have, changing the landscape of book marketing and publishing with sheer numbers and personal commitment, pushing Christian books higher in sales to best-seller status, and impacting what kids and adults read with a Christian worldview.

That leads to the question, “What is a book launch anyway?” A book launch is a 24-hour event. You tell everybody in your little world (or big world) about your incredible, awesome, one-of-a-kind book, and then you get all of those people to tell everybody in their little world (or big world) about your incredible, awesome, one-of-a-kind book—and, as a result of the amazing world of mass media, everybody will hear about your book, and able to receive all the unique, one-time free e-gifts that will be offered if  he buys your book on “launch day.” The other key factor is all the sales must go to one specific location; i.e., Amazon. The book sales over that period will surge, enabling you to hit best-seller status in one or more categories. Again, to incentivize people to buy your book on your launch day, you offer free e-gifts that are immediately downloadable; but only on launch day. Then the e-gifts go away.

We have over 125 authors as of this writing in the John 3:16 Marketing Network. (Please note: the John 3:16 Network is no longer active). Some are beginners and some are pros, but we are all Christians. We are individuals blessed with the passion for writing.  We help each other with book launches, blog postings, book reviews, following each other on social networking sites, and on and on.

I am reminded of Hebrews 12:1 from the New Testament in the Bible: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the AUTHOR and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

When the big day arrives, what happens? Your partners will send out Facebook and Twitter announcements. Those with big opt-in lists will announce your book to their subscribers. Some of your partners (friends) will feature you on their blog, host an interview by you or post some of your articles. Hopefully glowing reviews on Amazon and other sites will entice the public to push that “buy” button; and, you will have some fabulous bonus gifts for your buyers—free downloadable e-gifts available right after the buyer receives his confirmation email—available nowhere else!

What is a good launch? At the John 3:16 Marketing Network, we look at rankings. If we hit best-seller status in a category, we are thrilled. If our rankings get pretty low in terms of book sales, we are happy.

It’s important to note. Whether you reach best-seller status or not, you are gaining exposure. Others are tweeting, Facebooking, and sharing your book with their social networking contacts. It’s all about exposure. Oftentimes, people have to hear a name many times before it starts to register, “I need to watch that movie,” or “I need to buy that book.” We tell our authors not to get discouraged if you don’t sell as many books as you had hoped. Remember, it’s all about process, not outcome.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BOOK MARKETING: “Are There Secret Formulas or Short Cuts for Making the Best-Seller List on Amazon?” by Lorilyn Roberts

Are There Secret Formulas or Short Cuts for Making the Best-Seller List on Amazon?
John 3:16 Marketing Network
Part One of Six

If I knew of a secret formula, I would be a millionaire—and so would you, because secrets promising success don’t remain secrets for long.

There is one sure road to the best-seller list, provided you have a good book, and that is hard work and networking. I don’t know of any other way to do it. What I have discovered, however, is many authors spend a lot of time and money in less productive ways, thus coming away feeling discouraged and defeated.

Examples of comments I have heard include: “I can’t get anyone to review my book,” “my sales are non-existent,” “I don’t know where to begin,” “I spent money doing ‘this thing’ and got no results.”

You also have heard this if you have been marketing for a while. I could tell some fabulous tales of “drain holes” I thought would work and didn’t.

One of the reasons I made becoming a member of the John 3:16 Marketing Network free is so people would not feel like they paid for something and got less than their money’s worth, and most authors don’t have a lot of extra money (like me). 

I also didn’t start the John 3:16 Marketing Network to become a marketing guru. God gave me the vision, but He gave me the passion to write. But without a way to promote my writing, I knew nobody would read my books because nobody would know they existed.

I will share a short story about my first book, The Donkey and the King, which I published using a Print on Demand publishing company. When my book arrived, I was ecstatic. I could at last say I was an “author.”

But, sadly, I didn’t know any other authors to share my excitement with and I did nothing to market it. I made no announcement and told nobody about my new book, except my closest friends and family. I did nothing to promote it, not even with people in my church. ZILCH! NADA!

I am sure you are wondering how many copies I sold—maybe ten copies. Yep, I probably made the Guinness Book of World Records for the “worst-selling” book that year. Why didn’t I do something to promote it?  First, I didn’t know how; and second, I was too shy to talk about my own book.

A couple of years later, I went on Amazon to see if The Donkey and the King was listed since I had never checked. Sure enough, it was there. I had one review by someone I didn’t know with a rating of five stars. That was the first time it occurred to me that somebody out there might like to read my book beside my closest friends and family.

I have gone from that day to this—because God put it in my heart to start the John 3:16 Marketing Network.

The John 3:16 Marketing Network is based on John 3:16 from the New Testament in the Bible: “For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

To become a member of the John 3:16 Marketing Network requires only two things:

  1. You believe in John 3:16.
  2. You have an active blog/website.
Over the next six days, several of our John 3:16 Marketing Network authors are hosting a guest blog of different authors as part of our twice a year membership launch. Each day I will share a marketing article, and the guest author for that day will share something about herself and her writing career.

Before we are authors, we are people uniquely gifted and loved by God. Once we look beyond what someone does and see him as we see ourselves—a human being with needs, wants, struggles, hopes, and dreams, we can relate to him better and discover things we have in common.

That brings me back to the question and the title of this piece, Are There Secret Formulas or Short Cuts for Making the Best-Seller List on Amazon?

The short answer is no, there are no secret formulas, but yes, there are shortcuts to make marketing easier. Please check out my book How to Launch a Best-Selling Christian Book on Amazon.

Author Note: The John 3:16 Marketing Network is no longer active, but the ideas presented in the book still apply in 2022.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

LORILYN ROBERTS BOOK REVIEW: “Completely Whole” – New Book by Paulette Harper

Oftentimes, many people try to seek fulfillment from money, relationships, accomplishments, or material things. Others choose to cope with difficult problems by using drugs or alcohol, but they often come up short and soon have to realize that such things do not bring true happiness and fulfillment in life. How then can we successfully solve the problems that we face and find true happiness and peace in our lives? Well, author, Paulette Harper, in her latest book, Completely Whole, shows readers how to overcome suffering caused by alcoholism, substance abuse, poverty, and other obstacles blocking the path to a life of wholeness in spirit, soul, and body.

In her well-written, resource-filled guide, Harper provides readers with practical and biblically-based solutions to overcome everyday problems.

Completely Whole features prayers, meditations, and powerful scripture passages to allow readers to interact with the text and to apply it to their own lives. Harper uses personal experiences and biblical principles to place readers on a path to be in connection with God. This life-changing book will help readers to transform their spirit, soul, and body through Jesus Christ, so they can live a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


I gazed through the broken window admiring the grandeur of the Himalayan Mountains twenty miles west of China. I felt like I was starring in a movie as I sat nervously waiting in the dusty, dingy office of the Chief District Officer of Dolakha, Nepal. The room was mostly dark, lit with only one uncovered light bulb. Old wooden chairs lined the bare walls and scraped the concrete floor. A dark-haired, three-year-old little girl named Manisha sat beside me.

The C.D.O., a man in his early 30's, sat at an oversized desk with my papers before him. Wielding incredible power over my future, I needed his approval to adopt Manisha. It was hard for me to fathom how I had put myself into this situation, except that I knew God was leading me. My thoughts flashed momentarily back to my failed marriage of eight years.

“I don't love you anymore,” my husband told me one night after I confronted him with evidence that he was seeing another woman.

I replayed scenes of the long hours I worked as a court reporter putting him through medical school. I remembered the wine bottles and cheese that I uncovered in the garbage upon returning home after visiting my family in Atlanta. I recalled the night he contacted the police after I confronted him in his office at the hospital. Two weeks after our divorce was final, the other woman gave birth to his child. I was devastated and hurt. Only a loving God could help me to start over and begin a new life.

A few years after my divorce, I received a letter from World Vision, an evangelical organization that sponsors children in Third World countries. The beginning of the letter, dated February 13, 1993, read: "Over 150 million children worldwide are trapped by hunger, sickness, poverty, and neglect." I took the letter and put it on my refrigerator and thought, someday I am going to adopt a child from another country. The letter ended with a quote from Proverbs 13:12 (LB), "Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but when dreams come true at last, there is life and joy."

Now, eight years later, after much forgiveness, prayer, and healing, God lead me to Nepal. I looked at Manisha, and with piercing, dark brown eyes focused on me, she spoke softly in very clear English, “I love you.”

I responded back, “I love you, too.”

I did not know how she could have uttered those words because she could not speak English. It gave me the assurance I needed over the next few days that God was in control. The C.D.O. poured over my documents and after a while looked up and asked, “You're not 40?”

“No,” I said, “but I'm almost 40.”

“It's the law you must be 40.” He gave a cursory glance through the rest of my documents. He and Silas, my facilitator, exchanged a flurry of words in Nepali. Some elderly Nepali men sitting in the room stared at me. I had the feeling that Silas was talking about my infertility. I felt exposed that such personal information was being bantered about. I saw worry in Silas's eyes and knew my hopes of becoming a mother were precariously in limbo.

“We can go back to Kathmandu and try to get special permission from the Home Minister for you to adopt, but there is nothing more we can do here.”

I pondered in my heart what Manisha said to me, “I love you.” I had to trust God.

The next morning I heard a knock at my hotel door. I opened it and there was Manisha. She looked beautiful in her new pink dress and checkered blue top, smiling and laughing. My heart was full of both worry and hope.

Before we left the hotel to meet with the Home Minister, I called my Mom and asked for prayer. Isaiah 43:5-6* came to mind, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east...and my daughters from the ends of the earth.”

“O, Dear God,” I prayed,  “Please let this be Your will. Manisha needs a forever family, hope, and You.”

The sun shone brightly and it was a beautiful day as we arrived at the courthouse.

“They don't like me at the legal office,” said Silas, “because I refuse to give them money. In America, it's called bribery, but in Nepal, it happens all the time.”

Nobody wanted to help us. Silas spoke in Nepali to a male secretary and he motioned us into another room. An errand boy, after an extended discussion with Silas, went into the Home Minister's office. We waited for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he reappeared speaking in Nepali to Silas.

Silas breathed a sigh of relief and anticipation.

“The Home Minister has granted his permission for you to adopt Manisha.”

My eyes filled with tears as I remembered Manisha's softly-spoken words in the Himalayan Mountains, “I love you.” It was as if God had said to me, “I love you.”

Yes, Manisha, I love you, too.

Just as God loved us so much that He gave us His Son and adopted us into His family, God had given me the first of two daughters to love from the ends of the earth.

*NIV Translation

The full story can be read in Children of Dreams, available at Amazon and other bookstores. The medical mystery uncovered in the book was featured in Animal Planet’s “Monsters Inside Me,” Episode 210, “Shape Shifters.”
You can watch the episode by clicking on this link.

Manisha arrived home on Mother's Day, May 8, 1994. I dedicate this story to all mothers for Mother's Day!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

LORILYN ROBERTS BOOK REVIEW: “Pride and Prejudice,” by Jane Austen





          What makes Pride and Prejudice work? Why is it a classic? Why would anyone want to read this book today, almost two hundred years after it was written – in almost archaic English? I was glad I read it on my Kindle so I could use the dictionary function to enlighten myself on unfamiliar words.

          I was impressed with one quality about this book which I have seen in only a few other books I have read:  I felt like I “knew” the main character intimately, as well as several of the supporting cast. Ms. Austen’s ability to develop unique characters was impressive, and there were quite a few, though each one was entertainingly different.

As the plot progressed, Ms. Austen used the story to enable a gradual change and maturity in the protagonist, Elizabeth. The antagonist, Mr. Darcy, did a complete turnabout in nature, which was unexpected, leading to a surprise ending. Almost all of the characters evolved, and those who didn’t—i.e., the mother, the youngest daughter who eloped—their inability to change was part of their flawed nature. Their failures created tension and added flavor to the plot. I have seen many of the personalities in Pride and Prejudice in my own life. I could relate to the dysfunctional mother, the submissive father, the complacent Mary, the beautiful Jane, the prideful Lady Catherine, the prejudicial sisters, and the nosy neighbors that gossiped—and still care about them anyway. 

What makes a great book? A key ingredient is creating characters we will remember long after the book is finished—people we love and villains we hate. Perhaps it’s a protagonist who stands for something beyond the pages of the book; or noble characters who demand an audience, representing archetypes within ourselves and others. Perhaps we meet someone in a story we wish to emulate. We become that hero or heroine, or worse yet, even the bad guy we despise. We fall in love and out of love, but we are never the same having met the unique characters within the pages of a great classic.

Books I would compare Pride and Prejudice to that have characters like that are The ExodusGone With the Wind, and Great Expectations. I remember those books like I read them yesterday, and two of them I read over thirty-five years ago

I saw much of myself in Elizabeth—outspoken, determined, moral, and loyal. In the end, she and the protagonist married, and each overcame significant flaws to make that possible. I couldn’t be sure until the end that it would happen. There was nothing wasted; every scene followed a natural progression, leading to the next event.

I will think about this book for a while, picking apart different aspects of the characters and story as I work out how to write my own fiction. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to study the art of character in a fictional book.


To Order Pride and Prejudice from Amazon, click here

Monday, April 25, 2011

JOHN 3:16 MARKETING NETWORK GUEST POST: Lorilyn Interviews Author Eddie Snipes: Words of Wisdom for Marketing Books

I recently met Eddie Snipes when he joined the John 3:16 Marketing Network. He launched his book, I Called Him Dancer, on the first of April, and it hit the best-seller list in two categories on Amazon.

Following his launch, Eddie shared some of his thoughts with the John 3:16 Marketing Network authors, and I asked him if we could pass along his insights in a blog interview. Words of wisdom can help all of us to become better at marketing our books. Enjoy, and please feel free to share your thoughts on this important topic.

Question by Lorilyn: Eddie, If someone were to ask you what you learned from marketing your book I Called Him Dancer over the last several weeks, what would you tell him?

1. Self Evaluate

Authors must first step back and evaluate their plans. We all claim to be in this for the Lord, but are we really? If we are honest, there is a bit of selfish ambition in all of us. And we must guard our ambitions to keep them in check. Otherwise, we'll find ourselves with a runaway ego, or grumbling with disappointment.

When we present something for an audience to hear or read, it's only natural to want that message to reach as many people as possible. However, not every message reaches the masses. You may be called to reach one person, or you may be entrusted with a best-seller. If it's truly a ministry, is it for us to decide?

I say all of this because as Christians, we should examine our motives. There is nothing wrong with marketing your work, but there is a balance we must keep in perspective.

Having said this, let's take a look at marketing. Unless you have already hit the bestseller list, no one knows who you are. Plopping a book on Amazon's store won't sell books. To sell books, people have to know your book exists. The real nuts and bolts of marketing don't begin when you publish, it begins now.

2. Networking is crucial.

Networking is all about relationships. To establish relationships you must get involved in the world of writing. Writers' conferences are a great place to meet people. Facebook and blogging are great ways to meet people. You don't have to have a popular blog to be a successful author. If you enjoy blogging, do so. At a minimum, every author should have a landing page to direct readers to. But if writing blog entries is a burden, don't burn yourself out or beat yourself up over it. It is a tool but isn't a necessity. But getting involved with other authors is.

Identify a list of blogs that fits your style and interests, and begin commenting. Be an encourager. Over time, you will build a relationship and when it comes time to publish, other writers will be eager to help you. An example of this is a very popular blogger and speaker I know. When it came time to market my book, her blog had a three-year waiting list for author interviews. It would not have been fair to bump another author down the list, but she still managed to help my book by posting a blurb and giveaway at the end of the current interview. Fellow authors will do that for friends but don't expect much if you approach someone you've never interacted with.

Helping others is a great marketing tool. Promoting other authors on Facebook, Twitter, and if you blog, do so there. Then others will be willing to return the favor once you publish. No one wants to feel used, so build relationships now – before the time comes to market your book.

John316 marketing is a great tool in your selling arsenal; however, don't rely exclusively upon one networking tool. Think of launch day as it is intended to be. A launch. Once launched, you have the problem of sustained marketing. Otherwise, your book will fall to the ground and be forgotten. None of us want our work to find its place in the graveyard of forgotten books. Writing is not for the faint of heart. As the Bible says, the race isn't to the swift. It takes persistence and endurance

3. Looking for a break.

Every bestselling author got a break. Is it luck? Not really. Think of marketing as a wall of doors. Most doors will not open, but some will. You cannot know which doors will open until you knock and ask to be invited in. Authors must be thick-skinned, for most doors will be closed to anyone who is unknown. Sometimes the person behind the door will be hurtful. Don't give up on all the doors because most don't yield success. There are thousands of doors to try, and you won't find the ones that can benefit you unless you keep knocking. Who knows, behind a door may be someone who believes in your book and will give you that special break that pushes you over the top. As the cliché goes, "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity." In a nutshell, an opportunity is what you are looking for. And you probably won't find it without perseverance and being prepared.

4. Make it easy for readers to find your book.

Post it everywhere and use every opportunity to make it easy to find and buy. Make it available as an ebook in as many formats as possible. Use to reach the ebook markets for Apple, Sony, Barnes, and Noble, etc. Amazon has great tools for the Kindle format. All these tools are free. The goal is to get the book as high in the rankings as possible. This is so readers can find your books. Each category has a top 100 list, but unless you can get in the top 20, readers probably won't find your book. Seldom will readers browse through more than two pages of information.

John316's strategy is great for getting your book off the launch pad, but one day of ranking won't keep you airborne. The goal is to get a sustainable ranking. There are some good ways to do this. Facebook and blogs are the best tools for no-name authors. Do blog tours. You'll be surprised how many readers will buy it because they read about it on their favorite site. Don't give a bland author interview, but make yourself likable with humor, anecdotes, and tidbits about you that intrigue readers.

5. Take advantage of social networking.

Facebook is a great tool, but you need a lot of contacts to be effective. Begin friending people – even those you don't know. Remember, this is a marketing tool. You can create another Facebook account for personal friends if you'd like. Focus on other writers. Writers friend writers because they also are trying to build up their contact base. Currently, I have over 2,200 FB friends. Only a fraction of those will respond, but each one is a potential contact. And a potential promoter. When your book comes out, have a giveaway where Facebook friends get entries for posting links to your book on their profiles. Or links to your landing page. Each person that posts expands your marketing exponentially.

Twitter isn't as effective as Facebook. In fact, the response is usually quite low. Yet, it's still a free marketing tool and since tweeting takes seconds, it is still worth the effort. At this stage, every little bit counts.

6. Price your book reasonably.

Unless you have specialized knowledge that's in high demand, you won't sell many books if you price them over $10. The best marketing in the world can't overcome an overpriced book. Avoid vanity presses like the plague. Most make their money by selling you overpriced packages and care nothing about selling books. There are exceptions, but few. 

To verify a press, go to their store and see how they are pricing books. If the press sells 28-page books for $10-12 or a full-page novel (300 pages) for $18-25, walk away. Readers will not pay that for a famous author, so a new author won't stand a chance. This is why I started my own imprint. Start an imprint or partner with someone who has.

7. Ebook prices are also important.

Don't sell an ebook for $9.99. The cheaper the book, the more the sales. If you want to get attention, sell it for .99 cents. I know most authors balk at that price but consider the facts. You are a no-name author. People will take a chance on spending a dollar, but they won't toss out $10 for someone they've never heard of. Your family and friends might, but once launch day is over, your sales will plummet. I've used this philosophy, and my launch day put my book in the top 10 in two categories. It's now two weeks later, and I still bounce between #8 and #15. People are still buying as word spreads and they see the price.

Consider the business world. How do new businesses attract people? They offer great value at low prices. The introductory marketing plan is not designed to make money, but to build a reputation. Grabbing customers' attention and becoming known is the initial focus. If you're an independent author, you should approach marketing with the same philosophy. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. Marketing your writing is a slow and deliberate process. Create value and draw readers in. Build your reputation with the first few books and work toward reaching a sustainable income.

8. Get influencers.

One or two reviews will not present a good impression to readers. Contact people who are interested in the genre of your book and recruit influencers. Provide them with a free book for posting reviews. The purpose of an influencer is to influence the market to look at your book. If you locate reviewers from your genre, they can post honest comments about your book and rate it. This builds your book's credibility. For a few dollars, you will have gotten advertising that's invaluable. When you market your book, readers want to see if it is worth their time. Reviews give a good indication of the value of your writing. Readers can tell if the reviewer is sincere, so don't pad your ratings. If customers feel deceived, they will sink your ratings with bad reviews.

9. Give books away.

Allow bloggers to give away free copies of your book. They post the interview and blurb, they appeal to their readers and handle the contest, but you must ship the book free of charge to the winner. Some new authors don't like this idea, but let's face it, $10 for a focused advertisement is a great deal.

10. Look at marketing as a long-term effort.

Don't launch and then let your book plummet to the ground. Launch, and follow up with marketing. Then market some more. Let the marketing pay off for a week or so, and then start a new campaign. Find new ways to reach readers outside your circle of influence so you aren't wearing people out. Don't saturate your market; find ways to reach new ones. Be creative. Make connections. Build relationships. Remember, it's about people, not just your book. Take care of people, put in the work, and be persistent. Then let the book sales take care of themselves.

You can purchase a copy of I Called Him Dancer at your local bookstores and on-line, including, at the following link:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

CREATIVE WRITING INSIGHTS: “Love Your Characters,” by Lorilyn Roberts: Based on Ken Kuhlken’s Book “Writing and the Spirit”

Love Your Characters

A recent event popped into my head where I misjudged somebody’s comment. Fortunately, it bugged me enough that I said something about it to my daughter, who promptly straightened out my misunderstanding. I was thankful she did and later wondered how many times I’ve misjudged someone and never knew.

As a fictional writer, it’s important to understand the inner workings of even the most bastard character. The psychology of being is at the core of every living thing and crucial to what makes each individual unique. If we want to make believable characters, we better know what makes them itch, do something stupid, or surprise the reader; but to love them? I am not sure I can do that. Perhaps I can love getting to know them better as I create them, but I don’t know if I have the power of Dickens to love my antagonistic characters the way he did.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

JOHN 3:16 MARKETING NETWORK GUEST POST: Lorilyn Interviews Author Scott M. Shafer About His New Book, “What Every Dream Means”

LORILYN: Today I am running an interview with Scott Shafer about his new book, What Every Dream Means. I am intrigued by What Every Dream Means because it's difficult to find a book on this topic that is rooted in Scripture. Enjoy and learn how his new book might help you to understand your dreams.

Question: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Do you have an academic background that led you to search for answers to the meaning of dreams or did you have a personal experience that compelled you to ask questions in search of answers?

Scott: Early in my relationship with Christ, I had an ongoing desire and appetite to hear the voice of God. It was very organic and a natural byproduct of the intimate experiences of God's presence in my life at that time.

To my surprise, I soon discovered (by His grace) that God was already speaking to me, though I didn't realize it initially. I expected God to speak in a totally different way, but He had already been speaking to me in my dreams. Prior to this season in my life, I don't recall having dreams. I don't remember dreams from childhood and I have no memories of any dreams in my life until powerfully encountering the living Christ.

As soon as I realized this was one way God was speaking to me (it was not unusual to have several dreams a night during this time) I began journaling in a process of trying to understand my dreams and their symbolism through prayer and sharing with others. This led me on a journey of study, reflection, meditation, prayer, and working with dreams for some twenty-five years. I have no formal education in psychology or any other tradition, though I am well aware of the many theories, methodologies, and perspectives that are represented in this field.

Question: Is your book What Every Dreams Means based on Scripture?

Scott: What Every Dream Means is based on Scripture. It is my belief there are many wonderful principles and truth in Scripture revealed about the topic of dreams and dream interpretation that has been glossed over or ignored by many.

This would include principles related to working with symbolism and symbolic picture language, which is what we often encounter with dreams. Most people in the Western world do not think in these terms, so Scripture is helpful in changing our perceptions by its use of idioms and various kinds of speech.

As we immerse ourselves in the prophetic and poetic language of Scripture—including parables, hyperbole, simile, and metaphors—our insights increase, and this becomes important for interpreting dreams.

Scripture helps us in other ways, such as validating that God speaks to us in our dreams. We can also expect, as prophesied, that during the end times, dreams will play a significantly more important role globally than ever before in history.

Question: How will What Every Dream Means help me to understand my dreams?

Scott: First and most importantly, it will help you to gain a relational perspective of dream interpretation rooted in an intimate relationship with the living Christ. I prayed about the title of the book and one night as I was drifting off to sleep, I received the title. As it came to me, I knew that I had to write it down before I forgot it.

I've had that experience of forgetting a dream or part of a dream by not writing it down. Those previous lessons helped me in this case with the title of the book and I wrote it immediately before going back to sleep.

In the following days, I searched everywhere and realized that the title What Every Dream Means had never been used. All of that is amazing to me, but in a way, it probably shouldn't surprise me that God knew all this in advance.

The point I want to make about the title is that it implies several things. Probably the most important thing is there is someone who does know what every dream means and it is God. Everything I do to train and help people with their dreams all comes back to this vital dependency upon God and a relational perspective.

That is contrary to the many things that other perspectives of dreams such as psychology teach. Most often what is taught is a method that does not point to a relationship with the pure source of light and understanding. There are also other ways the book will help you with your dreams.

Lastly and certainly of great importance to me is that as you read What Every Dream Means, it will help you receive freely God's presence by absorbing the anointing that is from Him and that is essential for understanding dreams. This is a key to understanding dreams that I want people to have an awareness of so that the full extent of impartation can take place in their lives.

Keep in mind Jesus was identified as “The Anointed One,” which implies a great measure of anointing from the Father and Holy Spirit to accomplish His purpose. So we too, like Jesus, in this case, need the anointing of the Spirit for our purpose with respect to interpreting dreams today.

Question: I can think of several instances in the Bible where God revealed profound truths to someone in a dream. Can you share with us a personal experience dream story, either yours or someone else, which is inspirational?

Scott: The dreams that are recorded in Scripture are very profound dreams in that many of them, though not all of them, are what I would call prophetic dreams. They revealed the future of individuals or nations.

Be that said, there are many kinds of dreams a person can experience and not all are of this magnitude. Each dream performs a particular function and has value, even though its function may not be, as in the case of the dreams in Scripture, prophetic dreams. Many of the dreams that an individual may have today are intended to help him pray specifically about topics that God is revealing to him personally.

For example, I had a dream where I saw myself kneeling in a meadow that felt like the altitude and atmosphere of the mountains in California. I was completely surrounded by trees and brush, and in a place where there were no buildings or structures. It was a remote, natural area.

In the clearing where I knelt, it was the break of day, in the early morning hours. The ground was wet with dew, just beginning or early dawn.

I looked in front of me. A man stood not too far away, maybe twenty or thirty yards, on the edge of the clearing. He said, “The wildlife here will never come near a human being.”

As I heard these words, I looked to my right and there appeared a tiny fawn frolicking very close. Profound energy and happiness exuded from the little fawn as it played in complete freedom. Amazed, I watched, and then from my right and behind me, a doe slowly walked up and rubbed its body against my right shoulder as it passed by. Strangely I felt as though the doe wanted me to pet it. The dream ended.

When I awoke I realized the dream contained a very clear message about the things that defy what “man” says. This man—his reasoning, negative words, and logic—was completely defied by what I experienced with the fawn and the doe, both of whom came near. It was a wonderful picture that has been an inspiration and resource to help me not to listen to all the negative voices that are around me.

LORILYN: Thanks, Scott, for a great interview. You can pick up a copy of his book by clicking on this link.

Friday, March 25, 2011

CREATIVE WRITING INSIGHTS: “Love Better,” by Lorilyn Roberts: Based on Ken Kuhlken’s Book “Writing and the Spirit”

Fear of being judged is a great spoiler of creativity. Unnecessary rules affect me the same way, and I run from negativity like the plague. I have learned it is better for me to be alone when I am “in the spirit” and writing; hence, my frequent trips to Starbucks.

“Perfect love casts out fear” is one of my favorite passages from the Bible. I have come to believe that those who say negative, unloving things-in reviews, in comments, or in other aspects of living-either are insecure or narcissistic. I may not know which, but I avoid those types of people like roaches. I can make my own pity party without their help. Instead, I seek out those who are full of the spirit. Most noticeably in the John 3:16 Marketing Network, we have individuals who are uplifting and caring about others.

I love the song, “We are one in the spirit, we are one in the Lord...” May we love better as we write because we write what the world needs to hear. As the song goes, “What the world needs now, is love, sweet love...”

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Lorilyn: Today I would like to introduce a fascinating author who writes books for young adults. Meet Serafim Gascoigne as he talks about his life and the launch of his new book, Roman Carnival.

I recently listened to an interview by you where you talked about your varied background which helps you to create memorable stories for Young Adults. Can you share some of that with us today?

Serafim: I have been a professional musician, an army medic, an intelligence analyst, teacher, and computer training consultant on three continents, and finally a pastor/priest here in the U.S.

I worked for British Intelligence in Berlin during the Cold War. This gave me exposure to the Russian language and Christians who had taken refuge in the West, but who nonetheless went through very difficult times when the Soviet army took Berlin. Their stories, in many instances miraculous, set the scene for my future writing. When Russia became open once more, I traveled to Siberia and other places in Russia.

Later, I taught in an inner-city school where seventy percent of the students were from the West Indies. I lived in Ladbroke Square, the location of  Roman Carnival, a few doors away from the Home Secretary and the film star, Kenneth Moore, and John Cleese of Monty Python fame. I used to see them shopping from time to time.

Lorilyn: I am always interested in whether fiction authors write by the “seat of their pants” or if they outline and develop the plot and then write. How do you come up with your fascinating storylines?

Serafim: I develop my characters first and then find a story for them. I usually work out a draft outline which I never stick to! The stories seem to write themselves. I enjoy researching the background and looking for unusual details. Did you know that the Romans worshipped the wrong god or that Nero did not play the fiddle (or mandolin) while Rome was burning?

I found some interesting menus such as dormice dipped in honey. Lots of facts that I hope will capture the interest of young readers.

Lorilyn: Which leads to my next question: Tell us a little bit about your new novel Roman Carnival.

Serafim: The discovery of an ancient Temple of Mithras causes great excitement among the residents of Ladbroke Square, London.  At the suggestion of the curator of the British Museum, the residents decide to hold a Roman Carnival, complete with fancy dress, refreshments, tours, and speeches.  However, unknown to the large crowd gathered for the Carnival, there are “ravens,” Roman assassins from 65 AD.

Intent on invading 20th century London, the Romans, members of the cult of Mithras, are thwarted in their attempt by two schoolboys, Anthony Archer and Hector Carter. As the drama unfolds, Hector is mistaken for a runaway boy soldier, while Anthony is thought to be Artemius, a high-ranking member of the cult of Mithras.

Mistaken identity or not, these boys begin to play a vital role in defeating the cosmic forces that have entered their time and reality through the Temple of Mithras.  A mysterious figure, the watcher Nikomedes, confirms that this is their destiny; it is part of their ancestral breath. Only Anthony and Hector are capable of sealing the conduit between past and present. How are they to do this? Nikomedes says that they will know what to do when the time comes.    

Unlikely heroes in a battle with cosmic evil, the boys work as a duo, displaying common sense and courage in the face of many unexpected dangers.  Their only weapons against this invasion are their simplicity, honesty, and their ancestral link to the past.  Hector's good and easy-going nature, loyalty to a friend, and courage play an important role in the drama. Anthony is not particularly courageous but together with Hector, he shines as a natural leader in times of danger.

This is a fast-paced historical/fantasy, combining Cockney humor and suspense.

Lorilyn: With your background, you could write for any genera. Why did you choose to write Young Adult books?

Serafim: I enjoy reading children’s literature and simply enjoy writing for young readers. I believe that it is important to communicate Christian values through fantasy and for teens through the supernatural activity of the Holy Spirit. Roman Carnival is written for a secular audience but the underlying theme is Christian.

I am concerned that many authors of fantasy dwell on masochistic, sadistic, and psychotic role models. Roman Carnival is no moralistic tale, but a scary, fast-paced, time-shift adventure. It's not for the timid.

The underlying metaphysic is that we inherit not only the physical characteristics of our parents but a part of their spirit too. This is a surprise element in the story.

Lorilyn: Thank you, Serafim Gascoigne, for sharing with us your passion for writing for Young Adults. I can’t wait to get a copy of ROMAN CARNIVAL for my 12-year-old daughter who loves Christian fantasy.

Friday, March 11, 2011

CREATIVE WRITING INSIGHTS: “Be Perfect,” by Lorilyn Roberts: Based on Ken Kuhlken’s Book “Writing and the Spirit”

The context here of “be perfect” should be considered active, not passive. We can never be perfect in the passive sense, but with God’s help, we look forward to what we can become. We can try to write the perfect story, the perfect book, the perfect whatever, knowing humanly-speaking we won’t achieve it, but also knowing we are a work in progress. If we walk with God, the more we learn about Him, the greater the possibility of achieving perfection.

I believe some saints of the arts have come close. I think about the perfection of Handel’s Messiah and Pachelbel’s Canon. When I was in Italy I visited The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. I stared at the painting for about thirty minutes all alone (a gift in itself) admiring its beauty. Even in its compromised condition, the artwork was perfect for me. The amazing masterpiece brought me into a sweet communion with God which I had not experienced for a long time.

As far as the art of writing, we have the greatest story ever told in the Bible. While there may be copying mistakes, do we really see them? I get so “in the spirit” with the beauty that comes close to perfection that I forget it was written by imperfect human beings.

Why would God not continue to dole out creativity like that today? I believe He does. We don’t strive, but we do give God our all, knowing that when we create, we become most like Him, the Creator. As a child of God, we know He seeks to give us more than we could ever ask. When we think of art and developing the talents He’s given us, we can come close to perfection.

Otherwise, why would demons waste so much time destroying creative minds? Look around and see the beauty; it is all around us—in nature, in museums, in music, and in books. God’s creative spirit indwells and woos us to believe in miracles, redemption, love, and hope in art. The world needs us and God blesses us with our creativity for His good pleasure.